Suzy RC Mudstone

Corp/Alliance: Wildly Inappropriate/Goonswarm Federation

Country: USA

Twitter: @themudstone

Eve Who Link


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Ballot Statement

Honest, hard-working, and open – these are the qualities that have fueled Suzy RC Mudstone’s success in both EVE and the real world. Working as a friend and partner, Suzy has guided new players, helmed fleet operations, and acted as a political liaison, often between parties who do not see eye to eye. It is this diplomatic, yet no-nonsense approach, that has earned Suzy the trust of corpmates, alliance leaders, and longstanding friends. With your vote, Suzy can bring a balanced view to the CSM – one that puts the fun and adventure of the player experience above the mundane issues of the hoity-toity powers that be. Know that Suzy has already spent significant time advocating as a champion of others, bringing unheard voices and underrepresented opinions in front of people who can make a difference. Elect Suzy RC Mudstone and have your voice represented to CCP for 2015.

Campaign Post

So i'm going to run. At the encouragement of few but i think it's a good idea.

I've been playing just over a year and spent all but a month in null sec. I have a broad exposure to various things in the game but i still remember my new player experience. I'm definitely not a bitter vet by any stretch.

So the CSM is often made up of veteran players and those who are relatively prominent in the public eye. I'm not really that guy. I haven't been endorsed by any coalition or corp or large group in any way. I love this game and it's still so much fun. I'd like to represent the every man of eve and the relatively new players. I think with some new perspective and fresh eyes eve can be even more awesome than it already is with some creative fresh blood in the mix.

Feel free to evemail me on this character and ask me any questions you may have.