Erika Mizune

Country: United States

Character created: 2011/09/20

Corp/Alliance: The Soul Society/Army of New Eden

Eve Radio: DJ and Assistant Manager (DJ Yumene)

Blog: Erika Mizune - Ramblings of an Industrialist

Twitter: @djyumene

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media appearances

Mind Clash Podcast 21

Talking in Stations - Soundcloud - YouTube

Ballot Statement

Erika Mizune (DJ Yumene from Eve Radio) asking for your support. Eve player for over 5yrs, focused on nullsec industry; and with all the industry changes and additions a strong minded industrial candidate is needed! In addition, I am also an advocate for accessibility for players with disabilities.

My name is Erika Mizune (or DJ Yumene if you listen to Eve Radio) and I am asking for your support in electing me into the 12th CSM. This is my 3rd year running and I am still as determined as ever to want to be a voice and representative for the community.

I am a industry focused candidate who lives within sov nullsec and with all the changes and features that have came out and will be coming, strong industrialist voices are much needed.

While I am industry focused, I have also been around the block, having experience also in PvP, exploration, PvE, and I am also a logistics officer, having experience with alliance level logistics. In addition, I am also looking to be a voice for those with disabilities as an advocate for accessibility.

I look forward to representing you, the Eve community!

Thank you,


Campaign Post


Greetings! I am pleased to say once again that I am going to be putting my name in the hat for the upcoming CSM elections, CSM 12! It's still a bit early, so this thread will more than likely change as new updates and devblogs come out, but I wanted to get out there early and open myself up for questions, conversation, and pretty much anything!

This is my 3rd year running, but for those who may not know me, let me go ahead and introduce myself! I have been playing Eve since 2011 (minus the one failed account in 2010 ... *close out tutorial* - *undocks* - *promptly gets killed by a rat and quits*). I found out about Eve from Eve Radio and from there other players and staff members helped me get the hang of things and from there I think the rest is history. I was hooked, it was unlike any other game that I have played and I just love it.

Being a active member of the community is something that I am proud of and because of it, I have gotten to meet so many amazing people and it really has become like a second family for me.

A couple of things about me ...

Community Highlights

  • DJ and Station Managment at Eve Radio (DJ Yumene)
  • CEO of Eve Radio Alliance
  • Regular Organizer of Eve Radio Mining Operations
  • Owner of 'Sounds Of New Eden' Fansite
  • Broadcast4Reps Volunteer Moderator/Staff
  • Tweetfleet Slack Community Moderator

Ingame Highlights

  • The Soul Society Industrial and Logistics Director
  • Logistics Owner/Operator for Army of New Eden & Phoenix Federation Coalition
  • Former DeepSpace Alliance Leadership / Sov Manager
  • Former DeepSpace Alliance Logistics Director
  • Former Logistics Operator/Owner for The Methodical Alliance & GoTG Coalition

I am a big supporter of player events and communities and have always been an active member myself. One of which I have been with since 2010, Eve Radio/Gaming Radio Network, where I have served (and currently) as a manager alongside DJ Accy since 2014. I have also together with Accy, regularly since 2014 organized and participated in every 24hr Eve Radio Mining Operation and are coming close to the 10th operation. In addition to these fleets, I have also been a regular member to Spectre Fleets for well over a year, a NPSI community, among others.

Ingame, I am overall a industrial focused player living in nul-sec sov. I am a miner, manufacturer, logistics pilot, and pretty much anything in between. I so like to say I have done a little bit of 'almost' everything as I have tried my share of different aspects of the game as well; from being a pirate, faction warfare, exploration, mission running, and small gang/large fleet PvP.

So this brings me here once again, asking for your support by placing your vote for me in the upcoming CSM 12 elections in 2017! I still have the passion and drive to wanting to give back to the community and help get our voices out there to CCP.

CSM 11, I was 'very' close to getting a spot on the current CSM, coming in at 15! I am still honored at the amount of support that I got and I hope that I can count on your support again this year again!

***Industrial Focus***

The industrial side of the game still seems to be the more under-appreciated. However I can't say that it isn't getting love, specifically with the number of changes and features that are going to be introduced - a strong industrial candidate is needed to get our voice out there - where past CSM have lacked.

The current CSM has done a great job this term and have had a major role in industry changes - but with that said, I feel that with everything still going on and happening and the future plans that have been announced a stronger industry presence would be very beneficial and needed.

***Ideas and Thoughts***

Some of my thoughts and ideas here. There will be a few that I mention here that I also talked about in my thread from last year, however it's something that hasn't really been addressed either.

Planetary Interaction: PI is always going to be one of those things I feel is going to be brought up a bit I feel. I don't remember the last time that PI got any major overhaul, if ever. While it is a mostly passive task, it is still a painful one at that - specifically with all the damn clicking you have to do - and forbid you make a mistake and have to redo everything one by one. Here are some of my ideas:

- (1) Factory Plans/Templates: This would be a way to knock down the amount of clicking you have to do to set up your factories where you could essentially save a pre-set plan to lay them down.

- (2) 'Move' Button: A simple move button that will allow you to simply move a structure around instead of having to decommission and then set it back up all over again.

- (3) 3D Factory 'Pop-Up': Possibly shrink/remove this. Annoying to have your factories side by side and the 3D pop-up gets in the way of you trying to click the next one.

- (4) Resources/Links: Create a possible button where after you set up links that will route the selected resource to all target factories that use that resource. Instead of having to do it one by one. (Example: Extractors set up to gather 'Base Metals' and routed to go to a storage facility. Select on the storage facility and select the base metals that are incoming, then on the bottom have a button called "Route All" which when clicked will create routes that go to all factories that has a schematic loaded requiring that resource - BOOM! One Click!).

Industrial Notification Love: Nearly everything in Eve has notifications, but why no industrial notification love? Indy job ready and needs to be delivered? No notice! PI extractors time runs out? No notification! Moon silo's getting full? No notifications! Where is the indy notification love?


This is a topic that is pretty strong with me; the topic of accessibility. Eve is great in terms of accessibility, however there can of course be way for this to be improved for more players. We have players with all walks of life and players who face different challenges than normal. Players with disabilities are more of a minority however, they should still be represented and have a voice.

There are a lot of options that CCP already has to help also, tools that were once in the game. Eve is very accessible for the most part already, however there are little things that can still be improved in this area and also it is very beneficial to have someone who can give a voice to those who rely on options for accessibility.

Some 'Little Things'

- More UI rescalling options

- More Text Size options

- Bring font icons back to the main chat windows and not hidden in the settings

- More color options (ie: being able to change the red sphere color in the scanning UI for colorblind players)

- More visual options for hearing impared (see below)

- Make UI transparency optional, not forced when you first load up the game.

For myself, I am hard of hearing (completely deaf on right ear, left ear is so-so). There isn't really anything that CCP can do about voice communications always being preferred, however, it would be nice to have more options for those who do rely on more visuals (ie: better and updated fleet interface with more visual options - possible fleet broadcast 'tabs'? Or how about a visual for when you're getting shot at like red borders?).

Obviously this is one area and there are bits (as I put below) where you can also help in other areas of accessibility.

Basic Video Game Accessibility Strategies wrote:

Hearing impairment and visual impairment

    • Enhance stimuli: for example, high contrast color scheme, increased font size, color blind friendly color scheme and zoom options.
    • Replace stimuli: for example, subtitles or closed captioning, audio cues, sonification, speech synthesis or haptic cues.

Motor impairments

    • Replace input: for example, support for direct voice input or a brain-computer interface.
    • Reduce input: for example, switch access scanning and remove or automate inputs.

Cognitive impairment

    • Reduce stimuli: for example, limit the number of game objects, or simply the storyline.
    • Reduce time constraints: for example, slow down the game.
    • Reduce input: for example, remove or automate inputs that needs to be provided.

***Industrial/Non-Industrial “Little Things” (W/ Revisits)***

- Blueprint Invention: Bringing back the invention section on blueprint information without having to go to the copy tab and then click invention. Would make it very much easier and user friendly.

- Courier Contracts: Ability to see if there is a cargo can inside of a contract. Not able to see what's inside the cans, just to show if there is one or not. Also add commas on the contract sizes!

- Cyno/Seige Timers: A timer on the top left (where all other timers go) that shows the time left on a cycle (ie: generators/industrial core). This is for convenience, and we have timers for pretty much everything else.

- Comet Mining: Not really a 'little' thing, but I have to make a note to put this in here somewhere. Please?

- Mobile Tractor Units: New option to launch for corp would be nice.