
Character Created: 2009-03-16

Country: United States

Corp/Alliance: The Dark Space Initiative /Scary Wormhole People

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

Twitter: @ExookiZ



I am ExookiZ, and I am running again for CSM 14.

A quick rundown of areas I have focused on in EVE:

-I have lived and played across wormholes for 10 years, having lived in every class of wormhole space except C1s over the years. To that end I am very familiar with both wormhole mechanics themselves, as well as small and medium gang pvp.

I am not new to working with CCP, throughout my time in EVE I have served on multiple focus groups, providing feedback on structures, tech 3 cruisers, and contracting and logistics as they relate to upwell structures. I help organize EVE North East, one of the largest North American eve meets, which has hosted devs on several occasions. Finally, I have presented at almost every fanfest since 2012, several years giving more than 1.

I have no agenda beyond trying to leave EVE better than it was before, and I am not a member of any blocks. If adding the voice of an experienced and involved player to the CSM appeals to you, please vote ExookIZ for CSM 14!


I am ExookiZ, and I am running again for CSM 14.

I am a 10 year EVE veteran, executor of Scary Wormhole People(WHBOO), and event organizer of EVE North East. I am seeking a seat on the CSM to leverage my experience as a CEO, a content creator, and a highly active member of the EVE community to help make eve a better place for everyone.

A quick rundown of areas I have focused on in EVE:

-I have lived and played across wormholes for 10 years, having lived in every class of wormhole space except C1s over the years. To that end I am very familiar with both wormhole mechanics themselves, as well as small and medium gang pvp.

-For the vast majority of my EVE career I have also served as my corp’s CEO and I am very familiar with the challenges related to building and maintaining a corp/alliance, both in game and out.

-I am one of my corporation’s primary content creators, in both hunting and setting up ops and FC’ing ganks, skirmishes and larger fights as we find them.

I am not new to working with CCP, throughout my time in EVE I have served on multiple focus groups, providing feedback on structures, tech 3 cruisers, and contracting and logistics as they relate to upwell structures. I help organize EVE North East, one of the largest North American eve meets, which has hosted devs on several occasions. Finally, I have presented at almost every fanfest since 2012, several years giving more than one.

I may hail from Wormhole space, but I can offer the CSM much more than just a wormholer’s perspective on things. I do not have a detailed list of specific items I am hoping to accomplish while on the CSM, but rather a list of high level areas I am hoping that CCP looks at:

  • Continue to iterate on many of the structure mechanics that do not actively promote conflict, and lead to stalemates. This is seen most prominently in nullsec, but mechanics that encourage inaction are detrimental, and impact all parts of eve.
  • More frequent balance iterations on ships, it may be never ending, but I think smaller, but more frequent tweaking of various ships can help avoid stale metas and drive innovation
  • Endlessly continue to improve server performance, both for large fights, and overall stability
  • Build content that promotes activity and conflict, and drives players to go beyond the easy and safe.
  • More balance iterations, I think this one deserves to be stated twice.

I have no agenda beyond trying to leave EVE better than it was before, and I am not a member of any blocks. If adding the voice of an experienced and involved player to the CSM appeals to you, please vote ExookIZ for CSM 14!