Stitch Kaneland

Character Created: 2011-03-19

Country: United States

Corp/Alliance: The Tuskers/The Tuskers Co.

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

YouTube: Stitch K


I've played EVE since 2011. Spent several years in null sec, moved on to low sec faction warfare for a couple years and lived the nomad life in non-faction warfare low sec for another year. Currently live in wormholes and have been active in them doing small gang/solo.

Having experienced living and interacting all over New Eden, I can help provide feedback with my experience and ideas to CCP to improve the dynamics of the game for everyone. Help bring attention to things that most are not aware of or overlook. Provide input to CCP for ships/module balance to prevent things from getting out of hand from a balance perspective.

I'm politically neutral and have played the game on my own for about 5 years and enjoyed content from all areas of space. I'm active both in space, and on the Forums/Reddit daily. I like to look at everyone's perspective and try to think of balance improvements that help improve the health of the game, not just one specific area that would only influence one group.

Campaign Post

Hello space friends and torpedo aficionado’s,

I’ve decided to make a run at CSM 14 this year. I’d like to focus primarily on ship & module balance concerns with secondary focus on wormholes and low sec (Faction Warfare and Non Faction Warfare) to help provide input on issues that may arise without it being ignored/forgotten.

My main campaign focus would be on these items:

  • Ship/Module Balance
  • Low-Sec (FW and Non-faction)
  • Wormholes
  • PvP Content Generators

For those of you not familiar with me, i’ve been playing since 2011. I’ve been an active participant in the EVE community for 5-6 years by voicing my opinion on ship balance concerns. Specifically focusing on the interaction of the larger subcaps in the game such as battleships and battlecruisers. I also have a Youtube channel that show cases solo PvP videos and has a couple ship fitting videos.

I am part of no major null block or large alliance powerhouse and play EVE with 1 character/account. You could say i’m an EVE casual, but i’ve accomplished much with just my 1 character. I’ve been through faction warfare, non-faction warfare lowsec (being nomadic) doing mainly solo pvp and making isk doing lowsec activities while also roaming nullsec. I also currently live in a wormhole and do small gang pvp. In my past I lived in nullsec for a couple years and also participated in nullsec fleets. I’ve dipped my toe’s in just about every section of space to try it out for awhile and get a feel for it. I’ve flown almost every underutilized ship and weapon system and found their strengths and weaknesses. I even took torpedoes, a weapon system everyone mocked, and have slowly turned around its reputation by showing that it is a viable weapon system when you fit for it.

I am actively pushing the boundaries of ship fitting and would be focused on offering advice and perspective to CCP for ship/module balance issues that arise. With my experience, I can provide insight on not just one particular play style for ships/modules, but all playstyles. Whether its Fleet fights, small gang, solo and even PVE .

I like to review balance through more of a stat change, rather than gimmick changes. Things like ADCU’s i’m not largely a fan of. I do also realize that certain gimmick’s can provide more interesting gameplay mechanics, but need to be used sparingly. I’d advise CCP on solid stat/trait adjustments before implementing gimmicks. This is an example of my mindset when trying to provide balance to underutilized ships.

Suggested and Implemented Ideas:

The ideas below are either what have already been implemented in the past, or idea’s that I represent. They are an example of what experience I have and what my perspective is on ship/balance concerns.

Battlecruiser Rebalance

About 4 years ago, I made the recommendation to give battlecruisers a role bonus to increase their range. With the help of the community and the general foundation of my proposed idea, battlecruisers were given a healthy range bonus to help solidify their role as anti-cruiser ships during the Vanguard expansion. Changes were also made to the Fleet hurricane, Ferox and Navy Drake to bring them in line with the new proposal (to be fair, I did warn that if the Ferox got 2 range bonuses, it would be too strong, which is what happened).You can find my old proposal here.

Making Navy Ships more Competitive with Pirate Ships

You can read through this article to get a lengthy breakdown of my proposal and how it would look in some examples provided. 1

For a basic summary, its that you can increase the Navy ships stats to be competitive with pirate, but not inherently better. Whereas Navy ships will increase via DPS/EHP to be comparable to pirate, pirate ships will have the unique bonuses not found anywhere else in the game.

Battleship Signature Resolution Buffs

Something i’ve been adamant about for years is buffing battleship lock speed by 25-50mm scan resolution to help the ship class be more lively and distance them from capital ships. Especially in the case of the Rokh and Scorpion Navy Issue.

Remove Pirate Battleships BPC’s from DED’s and Increase LP costs, while adding Pirate Battleship spawns into Lowsec

Straight forward explanation here. Pirate battleships are too cheap, which breaks Navy Battleship progression. Nothing will change even if you buff Navy Battleship stats if Pirate Battleships are always going to be cheaper. Pirate Battleships will almost always be inherently better than Navy due to their unique bonuses.

Remove or severely nerf the BPC drop rate in DED’s. Increase Pirate battleship LP costs so their actual value is forced to increase and then add pirate battleship spawns in lowsec asteroid belts similar to how you can find Mordus spawns in belts. This puts more people in lowsec (in actual space and not something that needs to be probed down) doing things, adds additional ways to make isk in lowsec and can help generate content. As you can hunt for these battleship spawn in a pvp fit ship, which means making isk and finding fights at the same time. To keep up with current demand of pirate battleships, we would expect to see many more people out in low sec hunting these, which will help add life to all of low sec (faction warfare and non-faction warfare).

To go along with these changes, rebalancing Navy Battleships and Navy Cruisers would help provide LP sinks for everyone in FW, by ideally having a few ships that are popular so everyone can make some isk on selling Navy ships consistently, instead of mainly just Gallente sitting on the golden goose which is the VNI.

Buff Torpedoes

With the eventual weapon tiericide (hopefully approaching) i’d propose the following:

Reduce fitting by 8-10%

Increase base range to 30km at max skills (nerf bomber range accordingly)

The link will go into the details of the suggestion.

Data Site Buffs and COSMOS Modules

Going with my Module/Ship balance platform, i’d like to propose making COSMOS/Storyline modules more available and also helping to increase volume to the faction module market due to abyssal bricking (rolling a bad roll on a faction mod and making it nearly useless compared to t2). I’d propose letting data sites have the chance to drop 1 run BPC’s for faction modules (Green loot modules) and also adding COSMOS bpc’s and/or materials to their loot table to make data sites more attractive and help provide more options for fitting with COSMOS items and adding more faction mods to the market to help keep prices stabilized.

Link for more details:

Better Cyno Counterplay

I’d like to see more counters to cyno gameplay, either by nerfing the cyno itself, or providing more options for countering. This could include, but not be limited to:

-Give cyno’s a spool-up timer

-Either create a new ship line that can provide cyno inhibition or add in to an existing ship line, like Marauders, by giving Bastion a cyno inhibition ability, or create a new module for marauders to inhibit cyno’s with (creates a new role for a ship that lacks a place in the meta)

-Buff cyno inhibitor survivability and give it actual shield/armor resists so it can be repaired and not alpha’d by a super in a couple volleys.

-If the cyno remains an instant “ON” module, the inhibitor should also be an instant or near instant “ON” Module/deployable.

-Look into changing its fitting as way to actually be disadvantaged by fitting one on anything. Give certain ships bonuses to reduce fitting (like probe launcher bonuses).

In Summary

To shorten this all up as to what my platform/campaign would focus on:

  1. Ship & Module Balance
  2. Low-Sec and Faction warfare
  3. Wormholes
  4. More PvP content Generators

I’m politically neutral and have played the game on my own for about 5 years and enjoyed content from all areas of space. I’m active both in space, and on the Forums/Reddit daily. I like to look at everyone’s perspective and try to think of balance improvements that help improve the health of the game, not just one specific area that would only influence one group.