
Corp: Marcabian 5th Invasion Fleet

Country: USA

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Ballot Statement

At present the CSM is allowed to Lie, Scam, Misrepresent or even cheat in order to get votes. Different rules apply to players than to the CSM. The wholesale buying of accounts for the sole purpose of vote farms is also allowed. I wish to change this. If you vote for me I will vigilantly advocate for fairness and professional ethics in the entire CSM process.

Campaign Post

Over my various bids for the CSM I have advocated and pushed for various issue I felt were important to the player base. I have come to a not uncommon conclusion regarding the way in which the CSM functions. Without Term Limits and a less exploitable voting system there is simply no point in voting. For the past 3 CSMs Null sec power blocs (most of which are CFC affiliated) have held the majority without variation.

If elected the single most important thing on my agenda is CSM reform. Not everybody can agree on my knowledge of EvE but few people would disagree with my goal to reform the way in which the CSM functions. I am officially announcing my campaign for CSM 10.

The core goal of my entire CSM campaign is to restore faith in both the CSM and it's process. The entire process has been hijacked by cronyism where only the social elite and their allies may hold any sway. I am not a popular person and I am not well liked, however it cannot be ignored that the problem I describe is real.

If you despise me or find me distasteful. Better the devil you know.

If you are one of my supporters than this is an announcement you have been waiting for.

If you are undecided or feel apathetic about this process than I would remind you that I am not the reason why you feel this way, but I just might be the solution.