
Country: United States

Character Created: 2006/07/31

Corp/Alliance: North Eastern Swat/Pandemic Legion

Reddit: Dancul1001

Twitter: @Dancul1001

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zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

EVE_NT - Written Interview

Ballot Statement

My name is Dancul1001, I am a Pandemic Legion Fleet Commander, Alliance Tournament Captain and I am here to announce that I am running for CSM XII. Please read more at https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=508815

My name is Dancul1001, I am a Pandemic Legion Fleet Commander, Alliance Tournament Captain and I am here to announce that I am running for CSM XII.

About Me

I Began Playing in 2006 and moved to low-sec on my first day and began pvping shortly thereafter. After a few months I moved into 0.0 to learn the intricacies of PVP on the mean streets of Syndicate and I’ve never looked back. Two years later my corp joined an alliance called Sons of Tangra and moved to Fountain. From there I moved into Pandemic Legion and 8 years later here I am, still PVPing, still having a blast! Highlights of my EVE career have included participating in multiple Alliance Tournament teams for Pandemic Legion, winning 5 gold medals and a Silver medal in the process.

Check my post at the eve-o forums https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=508815

Feel free to ask questions

Campaign Post

Hi Hello,

My name is Dancul1001, I am a Pandemic Legion Fleet Commander, Alliance Tournament Captain and I am here to announce that I am running for CSM XII.

About Me

I Began Playing in 2006 and moved to low-sec on my first day and began pvping shortly thereafter. After a few months I moved into 0.0 to learn the intricacies of PVP on the mean streets of Syndicate and I’ve never looked back. Two years later my corp joined an alliance called Sons of Tangra and moved to Fountain. From there I moved into Pandemic Legion and 8 years later here I am, still PVPing, still having a blast! Highlights of my EVE career have included participating in multiple Alliance Tournament teams for Pandemic Legion, winning 5 gold medals and a Silver medal in the process.

My Positions; How I would improve EVE: Online

* Entosis Mechanics. I like the idea of multiple skirmishes over multiple nodes, but that’s not case at the moment.

* SKINs. We need get our SKIN game on point. There are some ships that have tons of SKINs, some that have none, and some that barely change the look. We need SKIN updates for the overlooked ships like Pirate ships and a lot of the Gallente Race, and would someone please fix the Rattlesnake Victory Skin.

* Tournaments. I love tournaments and we all want to see more of them. Events like EVE_NT is a great start but we need more.

* Wormholes. I want to see more wormholes, especially in 0.0. This a great feature in EVE, allowing all sorts of ship/gangs to move around EVE and create content wherever they end up.

* Server Hardware. The current state of rubber-banding and lag is not acceptable.

* Module Tiericide. Let’s finish what CCP started. I respect what they did with Sensor Boosters but there are tons of modules that haven’t had this treatment. I would love to see scripts removed and replaced with a mode that can be toggled.

* Ship Maintenance Bays, My opinion is stuff like Liquid Ozone and Drugs should be able to be loaded in the cargo of the ship that is inside a Ship Maintenance Bay. They are both used in combat just like Ammo and Scripts, there is no reason why they are disallowed.

* Session-Change Timer. We need to lower if not remove this, simple as that. I will work with the CCP team to make sure they understand where our priorities are.

* New Player Experience, It has come a long way since its infancy but we need to keep expanding on this in order to keep the new players going Free To Play has gotten us.

* All Races on all Alpha Characters. No new player should be penalized for choosing a random (to them, at the time) race. Every new player should have the chance to contribute to every fleet.

Please consider me when you vote for CSM XII