Liz Lizardbreath

Character Created: 2014-10-06

Country: United States

Corp/Alliance: The Seer Covenant/None

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

Twitter: @lizlizardbreath

Twitch: LizLizardbreath


I am a Jill of most trades master of none. I have been playing for over 4.5 years now and I grew up in Low Sec.

Lived in WH space for a while.

I now live and work out of High Sec doing missions, industry, exploration, and whatever else tickles my fancy.

Feel free to reach out to me in-game @ Liz Lizardbreath, my discord @ LizLizardbreath#6269, Twitter @lizlizardbreath, or on twitch @

Hiya, hugs, & o7 all, I am Liz Lizardbreath.

We have 10 spots to fill for this years CSM and I want to make sure that the community leaders that care about the entire game are elected.

I am here to persuade you to vote your heart and not just along block party lines.

Vote for those of us that are willing to make sure our voices are heard. Let’s make sure that the quieter and less obnoxious voices have at least one person and a platform where they feel like they are being heard outside of the negativity that can be rampant in certain places.

Cast your votes to those of us that are more than willing to speak up for the greater good of the game.

Please quit complaining about the CSM being rigged and vote to make sure your voice is heard. If you don’t want me to represent you then please at least vote for Mike Azariah, Manic Velocity, Dunk Dinkle, & some new faces that have some fresh ideas and a willingness to at least voice them.

I am a Jill of most trades master of none. I have been playing for over 4.5 years now and I grew up in Low Sec (I miss the old crew, neighborhood, and even the neighbors, many of damn GF’s were had. I know those young innocent days will never return).

Next I moved into WH space for a while, still have friends that I will go visit and help as needed, but its not where I want to live full-time, but I will gladly go spelunk them for fun. For those of you that live and work 24/7 in WH’s, my hat is off to all of you.

I spent about a month in the FW areas dipping my toes in, but without a good group to run around with and lacking knowledge of what I was doing at the time it was not a great fit for me. We shall see what the future holds for trying again, any good recommendations? Also did you know there is a FW Discord? Everyone can join, there are some interesting points being made over there that could help FW and even low sec areas. (These areas need to be on a road map and thoroughly looked at.)

I now live and work out of High Sec doing missions, industry, exploration, and whatever else tickles my fancy. I have finally reached a 5.0 security standing just a couple of weeks ago and I have been able to maintain it. We’ll see for how long I can keep a positive security standing.

When I eventually get back to PvP (once I have finished cleaning up standings so I can travel more places) I plan on trying to stick with the open community fleets for a little while at least and/or smaller gang PvP. I truly do love the small & medium gang fleets especially the kitchen sink ones were no matter what, everyone walks away laughing and true Good Fights are found.

My favorite ships tend to be cruiser and below, what can I say I love speed. I am also a 100% Logi pilot, I hate it when my drones try to kill my fleet pals,.

I have recruitment, diplomatic relationships, and leadership under my belt for small to medium size corp.’s. I also have a voice that I am not afraid to use and plenty of patience for trying to work out a solution. Is everything going to be fixable? No. Am I going to try my hardest to get some stuff working or at the very least voiced so more of our community feels included? Hell, yes.

Feel free to reach out to me in-game @ Liz Lizardbreath, discord @ LizLizardbreath#6269, Twitter @lizlizardbreath, or on Twitch @