
Twitter: @EVEAryth

Eve Online Forum Posts

Campaign Post

Most you of should have never heard of me. This is intentional as I prefer to remain behind the curtain. I am perhaps the most Xenophobic of all the Goonswarm Directorate and this has manifested itself in essentially a shadow broker persona. When it comes to EVE I have mostly done everything there is to do with a handful of exceptions. WHs are not for me for example. But hey, that is what minions are for right.

My focus is the meta, game mechanics, economics, and empire building. I am a soothsayer, cartel leader, mass manipulator, and the transmission of our war machine.

My platform can be summed up very simply as this:

Anything that promotes discreet mechanics that build upon each other to form a complex player ran empire, or even small businesses, I am going to promote. Anything that is siloed or has little relation to other systems I will lobby against.

I see EVE as a large organism that benefits from complex interactions. As far as I am concerned, the future of EVE is about territory, space meta, Doomsdays glittering across space, sandcastles burning off the gates of EC-.

Every story needs a villain.

I am pretty qualified for that.