
Corp/Alliance: eXceed Inc./No Holes Barred

Country: United Kingdom

Twitter: @Corbexx_NOHO

Eve Who Listing


Cap Stable

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Ballot Statement

With a Proven track record these are some of the things you can expect from me.

Some one who has very good wormhole knowledge and experience. While my main lives in a C6 wormholes I have alts in several lower class wormholes, and understand issues they have in them. I'm some one who isn't afraid of work and will happily put in HUGE hours to get stuff sorted. I have good communication skills, and will happily chat to anyone about issues. Someone who is no nonsense, be you a solo player, Ceo of a huge alliance or a CCP dev, If your idea is good I'll tell you that, if its terrible, I'll tell you that as well. Being a incumbent, I have a much better understanding on how the CSM works now, and how to get the most for people I'm representing.

Campaign Post


I'm Corbexx and I'm announcing my intention to run for CSM X.

Last year was a bit of a rush for me, with me deciding to run at the last minute, This year I'm much more prepared. Being already on CSM 9 means should I get elected I can hit the ground running and hopefully accomplish even more.

I started playing Eve over 5 years ago, after some real life friends moved in to a wormhole. I joined them and spent 4 months in a C3 wormhole, then we left for null sec for 10 months and became a director. I got tired of that and then moved back to highsec and spent a couple months doing level 4 missions while I finished a few skills for my first big wormhole corp CCRES. After 6 months, I moved on to AHARM and am now in Exceed, part of NOHO. I also have a successful T3 production and cap building corporation.

Some of the things I have done while in these alliances include:

  • Lots of pvp.
  • Running reaction pos's in nullsec.
  • I was the diplomat for AHARM.
  • Planning and executing invasions on other wormholes.
  • Helping to defend wormholes.
  • Helping organise large multi alliance wormhole fleets.
  • Being part of some truly great wormhole fights. Probably the most memorable was taking a armour fleet with triage support and an officer fit moros in to a pulsar, against 3 times the caps and coming out on top.
  • Representing W-space on CSM 9.

I'm running mainly as a wormhole candidate again as that's what I know best, though I do have a lot of industry experience as well.

Some of the work I have done this year on the CSM.

  • C1 to C4 pve testing, leading to some nice buffs to W-space.
  • Loads of pos research, with over 100 questionnaires sent out and the information sorted for CCP.
  • A wormhole general little things thread, leading to loads of small upgrades (sigs ID's staying over downtime, D scan and probe scanner being split).
  • A wormhole pve little things thread.
  • Multiple wormhole townhalls,
  • Attended all Sugar Kyles eve uni chats.
  • PvE sounding board with players and some CCP Developers (which has been really constructive).
  • Managed to attend all meetings with CCP except 1 (approximately 30 or so).
  • Be incredibly available to W-space people, with over 370 people now having access to me on skype, and answering 20 to 40 eve mails a week.
  • Written up more than my fair share of summit minutes.

What will you get from me.

Some one who has very good wormhole knowedge and experience. While my main lives in a C6 wormholes I have alts in several lower class wormholes, and understand issues they have in them. I'm some one who isn't affraid of work and will happily put in HUGE hours to get stuff sorted. I have good communication skills, and will happily chat to anyone about issues. Someone who is no nonsense,be you a solo player, ceo of a huge allaince or a CCP dev, If your idea is good I'll tell you that, if its terrible, I'll tell you that as well. Experience, I have a much better understanding on how the CSM works now, and how to get the most for people I'm representing.