Joffy Aulx-Gao

Character Created: 2012/07/01

Corp/Alliance: Stay Frosty/A Band Apart

Twitter: @joffyaulxgao

Eve-Who: Link

Eve-O Forums: Link

zKillboard: Link

CSM Watch Interview: Link

EVE_NT Profile: Link Link

Campaign Post


My name is Joffy Aulx-Gao and I am excited to announce my candidacy for CSM XI.

I have been playing Eve full-time since 2012 and proudly serve as the Diplomat for Stay Frosty and the A Band Apart Alliance. I have participated and helped organize many of Stay Frosty’s FFA in-game events, and fought in the NEO Tournament as well as the most recent Alliance Tournamant. I was one of the first players to join Stay Frosty and have been instrumental in working alongside Rixx Javix to make it one of the greatest Pirate Corporations in New Eden. But I am most proud of the friendships and connections that I have made over the years and I believe strongly that Eve is one of the greatest community of players in the world.

I probably come to Eve from a rather different perspective than most players. I have a form of Muscular Dystrophy known as Pompe Disease. This means that I am primarily confined to a bed or a wheelchair, mostly due to problems with my back. And I can only move my hands, fingers and face. Playing Eve was extremely challenging at first, but I’ve learned to adjust the UI for less mouse movements and work around my inability to talk on comms. I don’t believe in letting my own challenges stand in my way and I suppose this fighting spirit is the real reason I want to represent you on the CSM this year.

My platform is built around helping players from all walks of life enjoy Eve. And to see it continue to expand to include more players from all backgrounds. Certainly my own situation has inspired me to help those in similar situations understand that they to can enjoy our wonderful game. But I also want to focus on Low Sec space as it’s my home, because I believe this area within the game still needs a lot of attention.

I want you to know that I will be your voice and that I am ready to earn your vote. I’ve never taken anything for granted, and serving the players is something that I will do with pride and distinction if chosen to do so. There are issues that continue to persist in Eve and these need to be addressed, our voices need to be heard and I will strive to be the conduit thru which they can be.

As Diplomat and Director in the A Band Apart Alliance I’ve had the distinct pleasure of working with our Corporations in all areas of Eve, from piracy, to industry, wormholes, and most recently, with Null Sec Sov. I strongly believe that this perspective has given me a unique ability to understand how they all work together to create a better environment for all of us. And I’d like to see those connections expanded in the near future. We stand on the edge of drastic change, with new and exciting additions to the game being added quickly. It is more important now than ever to have knowledgeable and experienced players representing you on the CSM.

Player issues are ever-changing, but I have spoken to many players and these are some of the ones I believe elicit the strongest opinions (in no particular order):

  • That warfare links needs to be changed so it’s not just a required tool for regular PvP but a tool that’s risky and more activity focused, not just an alt in deep space.
  • Suitonia has some nice ideas on this matter written on his blog here
  • Custom made colour coding of drones, ships, station, gates instead of just low security players and the like, so people with sight impaired or other disabilities can use colour to recognize what's ships and what's a stargate.
  • Ban Warp core stabilizers from FW plexes! Ok on a more serious note, the Factional Warfare system needs to reward PvP and willingness to fight, the best tactic to make ISK should not be to run away.
  • With the new changes for battlecruisers it would be really nice to have a FW plex where battlecruisers is the largest ship that can enter.
  • Many of us know how annoying it is when we have so many chat channels in the same window an arrow shows up and we can’t see all our channels, would be so nice to increase the number of chat channels we can see before the arrow shows up.

I’d love if the disabled among our community came to me with ideas so we can make EVE better and more accesseful for all of us.

How to contact me:

Ingame channel: Beyond Boundaries

Ingame: Mail or convo Joffy Aulx-Gao

Tweetfleet Slack: Just DM me

Twitter: JoffyAulxGao

I am asking for your support and your vote in the CSM elections. There are many dedicated and worthy candidates, and I hope to be among them when the time comes. Thank you for your consideration.