
Character Created: 2003-06-01

Country: United States

Corp/Alliance: KarmaFleet/Goonswarm Federation

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

The most important thing to me is the health and survival of Goonswarm. The biggest threat to us is not in the game, we will persist and adapt regardless of what happens.

All of our survival depends on having a healthy game to exist in. It depends on having enemies who can threaten us. It depends on having a growing player base for both us and our enemies to recruit from. Nullsec will survive difficult mechanics but without new players we will all dwindle and die.

As a specific example, every summit since CSM 11 I have been pushing both CCP and the CSM for wardec changes. These do not impact my alliance and have minimal impact on nullsec, but are a boon to players entering the game.

Campaign Post

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