Solidus Obscura

Country: United States

Character Created: 2015/05/12

Corp/Alliance: Body Count Inc./Mercenary Coalition

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Statecraft CSM Debates - Day 2, Session 2

Talking in Stations - Soundcloud - YouTube

Ballot Statement

As a result of the mining changes I have founded a religion devoted to our lord and savior the Rorqual, If anyone is going to care about your mining interests it's going to be me. Me and my 100 alts.

The Mining Pope. My platform is simple: Praise be the Rorqual - the most divine ship in EvE. I am running for CSM not for personal desire; but, for the necessity of delivering this most important message. Too long has mining been seen as a lesser activity. Too long has mining been associated with a negative stigma, a stigma of being ... a "carebear". No more. The non-believers will fling their Titans, their Supercarriers, their Dreadnoughts and throw their combined might against her Industrial Core strengthened shields to no avail. They will see Upwell-type shrines erected in great magnitudes from the yield of her Excavator Mining Drones. They will shield their eyes as the brightness of the Pulse Activated Nexus Invulnerability Core scours their souls. And then... then they will believe.

Now that this important sermon is out of the way, please review my thread in the CSM candidacy forum for my positions and how I will be an advocate for more fun in this game.

Campaign Post


Welcome prospective disciples of the Rorqual. While I normally would begin with a lengthy sermon as to why the Rorqual is the finest ship in EvE and that all capsuleers should aspire to fly one, I'm pretty late in posting this as it is! First, think about these questions:

  • Are you satisfied with flying a single Ishtar for your dank ratting ticks or do you find it necessary to AFK five of them on all the Havens in the system?
  • Do you hate HiSec incursion community voice comms so much that you have or will build an incursion fleet to clear sites all by yourself?
  • Do you believe proper 'solo PVP' is baiting Svipuls into Medium plexes where your five recon alts are happily orbiting the beacon?
  • Do you like to drop 10 or more bombers on hapless Provi ratters or AFK freighter pilots?
  • Do you believe that unless you're making more than 1Bn ISK/Hr you're playing like a casual?

If your answer to any of the above questions are yes or at least maybe, keep reading.


Do you enjoy multiboxing? I do. A lot. And there have been a lot of changes and new restrictions on multiboxing over the past few years - such as no broadcasting and partial window overlays. Some of these changes are fair and I have zero intent on trying to change the current EULA. However, there is a stigma that sometimes comes to multiboxers - a belief that they may be botting or skirting the rules. Suicide gank multibox pilots getting banned for nebulous reasons. Who on the CSM have stood for and defended multiboxers? How many times was multiboxing referenced in the last CSM summit?

Well, if you vote for me, I'll stand for you!

About Me

I started out in E-Uni doing the normal new player things and eventually joined Mercenary Coalition to participate in my first large scale conflict since starting to play EvE. But it wasn't enough just being a single DPS or Logistics pilot in fleets. I needed to do more. Whether this was bringing in alt Links, spreading out cynos, readying a capital alt - I wanted to do more than just F1. It was around the middle of last year I saw a post on r/Eve claiming that you could make 1.2B an hour multiboxing Vanguard sites. Welp, here I am doing that and a bunch of other things with far too many accounts. I've done region-wide cloaky camping and salt mining, ice-belt clearing in one and a half hours mining (PRAISE THE RORQUAL!), infuriating Griffin swarms, 165 p0-p2 planets (yeah, that only lasted a month), and dropping 10 bombers on 'Snakes. I've got a few more things in the cooker as well (the Kusions can't have all the fun).

I've also been involved with our Alliance Tournament team in addition to shooting stuff for profit, building API tools using XML through ESI (happy to share if requested), promoting mining cultural revolutions, and battled the menace that is ESS drama. So while I can hold the door on negative impacts to multiboxing, I also have enough experience to discuss other aspects of the game and relate back to the playerbase.

Why I stand out

There are a lot of big names on the ballot and four fewer spots to fill - I get it, I've got my work cut out for me. However, if you consider my platform and my accomplishments, some things stand out: Organizational capability, exposure to a wide range of EvE, and unadulterated efficiency. I feel these are strong attributes of an effective CSM member. And if you've been paying attention, I have a ton of bloody characters. I'm pretty damn invested in this game, so it's in my great interest to see it continue to grow and continue to be engaging. This is why I am running for CSM and why you should vote for me.

Thank you for reading!

(Side Note: Late Thread Posting, the Application was submitted within the deadline)


Reddit - Elowenn (Preferred)
