Xavier Azabu

Character Created: 2010/03/23

Corp/Alliance: Tarantism/None

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CSM Watch Interview: Link

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Campaign Post

I am running independently to be a member of CSM 11.

My platform:

  1. A better new player experience. How can we get players hooked right away without watering Eve down?
  2. Job options outside of the current missions so that new characters or players have better options for specialization.
  3. Increased opportunities to interact with the NPC pirate groups of Eve. What if you could join Serpentis, Guristas, or SoE?
  4. Suggestions to CCP for marketing and pricing ideas. The health of the game as a whole is in our best interests.
  5. Communicating the community's likes and concerns regarding Citadels and capital rebalancing in a constructive way.
  6. Continued creation or redesign of systems or complexes that encourage exploration and PVP like Thera.
  7. More addictive and engaging PVE experiences. I want to give meaningful feedback to groups like Team Astro Sparkle.
  8. Additional content for wormholes.
  9. Finding ways to increase movement to systems currently unused in High-sec, Low-sec, and Null-sec.
  10. Blueprint reform. We need a serious look at Tech 2 blueprints and their legacy.
  11. I'll make sure that your voices are heard regardless of the outlet. I constantly browse the Eve-O forums, Reddit, fitting forums, and more.
  12. Continued tweaks to balance the ship classes. I'm a fan of some of the more recent changes since the "fall of the Ishtar".
  13. Suggesting the addition of a Minmatar/Caldari skill-based pirate faction of ships.

Lastly I pledge to give some representation and support to the Australian, Japanese, Eastern Russian, US West, New Zealand, Oceania, Philippines, Hawaiian, and Southeast Asian Timezones. Eve is a global game and I'd love to work with players from these regions so that we have a good share of content.

Past Affiliations: I have been a member of independent wormhole corporations, xXConfederation of xXPIZZAXx, Nulli Secunda, and Tribal Band. I've had a lot of experience PVPing in nullsec. While I have never been a member of one of the current nullsec coalitions - I look forward to hearing the opinions of these players. However I promise not to use my position to benefit any power blocs. You can expect very little "drama" from me on the CSM.

I look forward to any feedback in this thread or elsewhere. よろしくお願いいたします。