Tora Bushido

Corp/Alliance: EVE Corporation 987654321-POP/Marmite Collective

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Ballot Statement

TLDR : See the forums for more.

Campaign Post

Greetings Capsuleers,

My name is Tora Bushido and I am running for CSM X. My main focus will be on a new high-sec for all of New Eden’s citizens. Not just for the ‘good’ or ’bad’ guys, but a new balanced high-sec for all of us! And yes, I know there’re many more capsuleers outside of high-sec, who want their voice to be heard too. But I don’t want to be one of those CSM’s, who has been in an area ages ago and still thinks he knows everything about it. Eve changes fast and your knowledge get’s outdated quickly if you don’t keep up. So, I would rather focus on the area I’ve been living in the last few years. If you want to read what I’ve done so far in Eve, read the fun written player profile by Feyd. Besides my WH background and current high-sec experience, I am also still active in null-sec with two well known alliances.

Been active 24/7 in Eve since 2010. I know it’s just a game, but it’s also my passion. I care about the game and want to see it going on for at least another 10 years. It’s easy to complain about ‘bad’ things from the sideline, but I rather be active myself and try to find solutions for problems. Do I know it all, hell no! But I am the kind of guy who really listens to players and finds common grounds to build upon. I can analyse problems very fast and can break things down to the base of it. Simple is often the best solution.

Most of you probably know me as the alliance leader of The Marmite Collective, a group of like minded guys who just enjoy shooting things. In Marmites we don’t do politics. If you want to have a good time and you’ve got what it takes, you’re welcome. Because of this policy we’ve got good relations with a lot of alliances, corps and players all over Eve. Most of us don’t take things to personal and just enjoy the game as we see fit. If it is needed for the game, I will also accept things that might not be in the best interest of my own alliance. We’re just a small part of a greater Eve.

Just to give you an idea of what I stand for, I’ll address a few issues currently in Eve :

Ganking in high-sec

I think ganking is a part of Eve and I want it to stay, but not as we have it now. Right now it’s to easy to warp out of a station, gank something, warp your pod back to station and wait till the timer runs out. This needs to be balanced more. I would like to see people still able to gank, but only when you aren’t in an NPC corp and when you do, you will not be able to dock / logoff for at least 30 minutes. If you get podded and wake up in station, the station auto kicks you out till the 30m timer runs out. I also want the ganked ship, not to drop more then 25% of the loot. This way the ‘good’ guys at least have some way to get revenge and ganking for profit is reduced.

AFK for a long time

If you’re logged in, I think you should also be active behind the keyboard. AFK cloakers and miners should press a notification button every 20 minutes, which appears randomly on the screen. One of the reasons I think people go AFK while mining, is because it’s boring to watch the screen while doing so. I want to add a mini game for the miners. A slot game which you pay for with Ore-points. You’ll get them for the time you spend mining. You use them for the slot machine and hopefully win more while doing so. These Ore-points you can trade or sell. All mining belts should be connected to each other in one big network. And once a week, the network picks a random winner for the Ore-Point-Jackpot.

War decs

The war dec system needs to change. To many new corps in high-sec are destroyed by war decs, which is bad for keeping people motivated to stay in high-sec or even in Eve itself. Once they are a bit bigger (50+), they at least have a chance fighting. High-sec isn’t for pussies, so let’s not do more then really needed or we will nerf the game to death. I would suggest, double the war dec costs for the first group (up to 50 players). and let the rest as it is. Making the costs go from 50M to 100M might not seem much, but I can tell you from experience it’s a lot when you have so many wars running as we have or when you are a small briefer corp.

Social Corp/ NPC

NPC should be removed. Players should be able to create small social corps with max 15 players in it, which can’t be war decced. But they also can’t own a pos, poco or future structure and they can’t war dec someone else. This might look bad, as they can freely do anything they want, but if you look at it more closely, they can still do the same things as they could do in an NPC corp. Only this way they have the chance to build up a corp.

Incursions and PvE

Not sure if there are current issues. If so, mail me.


Increase the agility of T2 freighters, so it’s easier to move things and harder for gankers to keep them bumped. Create a multi sell option (select what you want, see the total and decide to buy or not). Create a multi contract option, so it's easier for example to contract BPC's (got 100 BPC's, select them all, create contract for public per x bpc's for price y).

The last few patches have already improved industry a lot I think.

Dont nerf Eve to death

Sometimes nerfs are needed, but let's not kill Eve with to many.


I want Dreads back in high-sec for more pos fights (they will only be able to shoot large posses with them).

#2 - for more ideas and brain farts.

Remember, changes are made by taking small steps. Don't start running before you can walk or you will drop on the floor,

Tora Bushido

Ps. Keep sending me problems and ideas you have to make New-Eden a better place for all of us !

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