Yukiko Kami

Country: Germany

Character Created: 2009/11/30

Corp/Alliance: Brave Newbies Inc./Brave Collective

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Ballot Statement

As part of Brave Newbies I work a lot to get new players started into the game and that is my main concern. I do however like a wide variety of game play and think this freedom makes EVE unique and therefore I want to keep this variety alive and would set out to improve the game for everyone.From alliance tournament, exploration to capital fights I always like to get into new parts of this game. Additionally the meta and political game around EVE is a whole additional level to get into. Which is even more fun with this strongly rooted and impressive community. It's a challenging game, a place to explore things, to make friends and fight wars. But that makes it also hard to get into. I think we need to make sure that the community can evolve with new players getting into it and staying for longer. As an alliance Brave Collective has the goal to help new players and that is what attracted me to them. I stand behind that but also behind the idea of players evolving and doing their own thing. For that all sides of the game must be preserved and improved. For that I stand. I restarted playing about 16 months ago so I haven't been around in the community a lot, but I am hoping to change that in the future and get to know you and your needs. Contact me if you have any questions.

From alliance tournament, exploration to capital fights I always like to get into new parts of this game.

Additionally the meta and political game around EVE is a whole additional level to get into. Which is even more fun with this strongly rooted and impressive community. It's a challenging game, a place to explore things, to make friends and fight wars. But that makes it also hard to get into. I think we need to make sure that the community can evolve with new players getting into it and staying for longer. As an alliance Brave Collective has the goal to help new players and that is what attracted me to them.

I stand behind that but also behind the idea of players evolving and doing their own thing.

For that all sides of the game must be preserved and improved. For that I stand.

I restarted playing about 16 months ago so I haven't been around in the community a lot, but I am hoping to change that in the future and get to know you and your needs. Contact me if you have any questions.

Campaign Post
