Arenthor Doran

Country: United Kingdom

Character Created: 2014/01/30

Corp/Alliance: Tritanium Industries and Technology/Goonswarm Federation

Reddit: arenthor

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Media Appearances

Reddit Campaign Thread

Ballot Statement

3 years on nullsec and I've never looked back. Avoiding the political drama of the alliance leaderships, I'm a player with the real perspective of nullsec life from the eyes of a line member. Currently a member of goonswarm, I have been a member of other pevious CFC alliances and even part of a new alliance trying to carve it's way into null.

Campaign Post

I'm Arenthor Doran and this is my favourite campaign on the citadel!

Who am I?

I’m Arenthor and I’ve been playing EVE for just over 3 years continuously. I had previous forays into EVE but fell victim to the poor NPE at the time. Over this time I’ve explored most parts of eve from exploration, mining and ratting, to small gang, solo and blob level PVP. Whilst I’ve tried most things I’ve recently settled on FCing and exploration mostly with a bit industry added on the side.

My History

Current: Goonswarm Federation – After the start of the tribute war between TESTCO and Panfam I moved down the goons, in which I’ve resumed my industry and exploration as well as FCing small/mid gang subcap fleets.

CO2 – Joined with corp more than joining out of choice, after drama between Infensus and Sort dragon our corp looked for a safe haven. They found that in CO2 in which we had been a member of years previous. A good alliance however the culture of the alliance did not suit me and thus prompted my move to goons.

Infensus – After the fall of Vale during world war bee my corp at the time (BLK-S) formed with Quovis to forge our own alliance. We started of by living out lowsec blopsing and generally harassing test who just moved in. We then moved up to branch as part of the GOTG coalition. A few months peacefully here then resulted in our sudden evacuation after drama with sort dragon.




Blacksteel mining and manufacturing – Standard newbro mistake, I fell into a rut just after I started with a HS mining corp, Thankfully I moved as I started to burn out and thus saved my entire eve career. In a way I have to thank these guys for making me the player I am today.

So why should you vote for me?

• Not one of the eve famous club who seem to dominate the CSM elections

• Independent – My views are my own and are developed from talks with people I play with throughout various parts of the game from null to WH to lowsec.

• Easy to contact – As a member of the CSM I would make it a priority to ensure I keep in contact with the rest of the player base, I regularly attend meetups in the UK such as EVE_NT and I’m looking to expand this to Evesterdam this year. Talking to players at meet ups, via in game chat and mail, via reddit or the eve forums I can see what issues are effecting you! As well as communicate our work to you.

My positions

High level over view of my campaign is to promote further development of the NPE, the new tutorials are a great step in the right direction from CCP and the work of group such as horde/karma/E-UNI can't be ignored either. However after the tutorial and unless you find one of theese groups and join many of them are still getting sucked into the age old highsec mining corp where they burn out after a month.

Continuation of feature in citadels, one point was to push for insrance in citadels however this has now been announced. Continuting to work with CCP in regards to the features we want to see from Citadels, not jsut ones that are missing, but to refine and tweak thoose that are already in.

The age old, sov needs to be changed a compelte overhaul is not required but a change to sov such as maybe scripting entosis links to a attack and defence mode, could add a new dynamic, especially with alliances being able to activly defend each others sov or subtly take it from under them.

Changes to factional warfare, whilst I'ma dmitatly not an expert on this feature, I have used it before and have talked to people who take part in it, many of whom are not happy with the current mechanic. This would require further discussion with lwosec/FW groups before I make any further comments on it.

Any questions please feel free to add them blow or messages me in game

Arenthor Doran

CSMXII Candidate