Lucrative Business Opportunity

Character Created: 2018-03-16

Country: United Kingdom

Corp/Alliance: Goats Unlimited/None

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

It is time for a fresh face to the CSM! For too long the halls of content have been dominated by the greater powers who use their position of influence to their own ends.

I, Lucrative Business Opportunity, seek to end this conspiracy. For too long have I sat idly by changing orders in my station, watching the corruption and rapacious politicians squabble over the their ill-acquired powers while the helpless citizens can only watch from a distance in distress.

Changes will be made once my candidacy completes, some small, some large. But all for the betterment of New Eden. Some changes might even hurt myself, but for the good of the game sacrifices will need to be made.

I am willing to sacrifice, can the same be said of my opponents?

Hello friends,

It is time for a fresh face to the CSM! For too long the halls of content have been dominated by the greater powers who use their position of influence to their own ends.

I, Lucrative Business Opportunity, seek to end this conspiracy. For too long have I sat idly by changing orders in my station, watching the corruption and rapacious politicians squabble over the their ill-acquired powers while the helpless citizens can only watch from a distance in distress.

First call of order would, of course, to end the ravenous taxes imposed upon us capsuleers in our own structures by the SCC.

From there I have many great plans to increase the prosperity of all, from financial to little things like salvage drone IIs. But of course the priority would be in line with my constituency, after all, it is my humble role to be the voice of my flock.

My candidacy will be a challenge to the cemented order!