
Corp/Alliance: From Our Cold Dead Hands/The Kadeshi

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Ballot Statement

Alyxportur: I’m a resident of sov nullsec, a supporter of third-party developers, and a big advocate of the sweeping changes to corp management for which so many groups have been pushing. I want to see the ability to save PI planet layouts and POS module layouts for reuse added to EVE by the end of 2015. Alliance bookmarks need to be added soon as well. Players deserve the capability to compose and save draft mails. Anchorable bubbles are one of the most popular structures in EVE which still have yet to generate killmails which players who kill them deserve. Logistics and other assisting ships during a fleet which gain aggression still do not get onto killmails for their help during a fight, but they deserve recognition for their efforts. Corporations at the moment are only able to tax one income stream of their members: bounties. I support allowing corps to tax their members’ loyalty points and refining/reprocessing. Vote for me and I will work hard to serve you and keep EVE great.

Campaign Post

I’m Alyxportur, I live in Delve sovereign space, and I fly DPS/logistics characters under The Kadeshi. I grew up and out of highsec nearly four years ago, and I’ve been flying pilots in nullsec sov alliances for nearly three years now. I never plan on quitting EVE until I either die or Iceland gets covered by lava/rising Atlantic water.

As I promised last year, I will promise again: Whether you vote for me or not, if I win, I will still represent all of you as best as I can. We all want to see EVE continue to survive as a game we love, but also thrive.

Since my last campaign, CCP has improved upon two issues: corporate bookmarks and power projection.

  • The corp bookmark limit has increased, but for nullsec groups this is insufficient. Without alliance bookmarks, corporations have identical bookmarks to locations like jump bridges. Alliances may have been the band aid to early corporations banding together based on standings, but it isn't a temporary fix anymore. Alliances continue to need their own bookmarks. Upping the maximum size for corporations means that nullsec groups can then increase the number of duplicates, when a single set controlled by the holding corp of an alliance would be far more useful to a member of any alliance, regardless of whether they live in wormholes, nullsec, lowsec, or highsec. (CCP has said in the past they plan on changing corp management as a whole in a ~few years, but perhaps that could be fast-tracked since making the social aspect of EVE intuitive, logical and USEFUL encourages more gameplay.)
  • Capital power projection has been nerfed both in range and time. It takes more time and more jumps for a capital to go anywhere. Without the additional changes to sovereignty mechanics and structures, nullsec since Phoebe doesn't seem to have had any increase in sov warfare. It's as stagnant as it was before, if not more so (though congrats to the neutrals who managed to freeport some systems!). In regard to the expected changes, I'm not sure how occupancy-based nullsec does anything but encourage renter alliances protected by the PVP-alliances who control them. Sov structure changes may enable more border fighting and changes though, and I look forward to those patch notes.

Other topics:

  • Sentry drone scan resolution nerf to ishtars.
  • Cloaks ended up not being changed. Cloaky camping seems to be less of a problem than last year, but maybe that’s just because PLEX prices are too high to keep a toon camping for weeks at a time. Cloaks could still be tweaked, perhaps as part of the ongoing module tiericide so that they provide more and different options of how to fly ships rather than just what you can fly with them.
  • Players still deserve killmails for all anchorable units that they kill. The only ones that they don’t get credit for: mobile warp disruptors.
  • Expanding the in-game information on killmails to include useful data such as: damage over time charts, time to kill (e.g. from first PVP timer initiation on killed player up until ship/pod death), adding logistics to killmails, etc. When it comes to logistics being on killmails, if we participate in a fight and gain an aggression timer, why not award us a killmail recognition for the similar hard work that our dps brothers and sisters did? If you cut us, do we not bleed? (As a logi pilot, I’ll admit I’m biased on this topic.)
  • The new CREST API system shows a lot of promise and sitting in on a third-party developer discussion at EVE Vegas 2014 made me more excited for the future of it and its usefulness within EVE. Continuing to release parts of what it can do should encourage a lot of the current and new applications popping up for everyone to use, like SeAT.
  • While I may have been one of the few players who used the industrial teams, CCP took an interesting step in removing them from the game rather than leaving them for the usage minority. From my nullsec perspective, the bounty and kill right systems could benefit from changes. Most players don’t seem to hunt via either systems, but benefit from the bounty or activate the rights as they stumble upon someone.
  • CCP recently changed the rules for some mobile structures so that players only gained a suspect timer for shooting them. I’d like to see this extended to more structures.
  • The last change that I can remember to implants was just in how they were obtained (i.e. increasing availability and lowering costs for some, but not all, of the mindlink implants). It would be nice to see more changes that encourage the use of them. Pilots may no longer need to worry about losing skills with their pod losses, but implants don’t drop----and I’m sure I’m not the only corpse collector hoping for the day when I can salvage the bodies for random implant drops.
  • Encounter Surveillance Systems (ESSes) they’re nice and they provide some interesting content when an enemy interceptor comes into system, but pirate faction ESS units would provide more content in both the short- and long-term, as well as break some of the regional holds on faction-specific ships.

tl;dr = I want to see boring, stagnant and unused things change without becoming broken or worse than they were. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I live in nullsec. I like the taste of blueberry donuts.