
Country: Australia

Character Created: 2009/08/18

Corp/Alliance: Tactically Challenged/Tactical Supremacy

Twitter: @Fawlty8

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Reddit Campaign Thread

Ballot Statement

Fawlty7. 22yr old Null FC, Alliance Leader and Corporation CEO

Campaign Post

Hello there, I'm Fawlty7, CEO of Tactically Challenged the corp and Tactical Supremacy the alliance. You may also know me as the eternal birthday boy.

A bit about me:

I began playing EVE in 2009 at the age of 14. I am now 22 and haven't taken a single break yet. I have played this game through the period of life where peoples' personalities are developed and they are shaped into who they grow up to be. I feel like this gives me an interesting perspective of how much a game like EVE can shape someones life, especially younger players. I also hail from Australia, that desolate timezone that is AUTZ where for the past 8 years where I have had to create content out of a very quiet and much more barren EVE.

In the time I have been playing I have lived in highsec, lowsec and nullsec. I've done mining, ratting, exploration, pvp, fleet commanding, fleet coordination, logistics work, pos work, sov mechanics, capital warfare and many other aspects of the game. My skills and expertise reside in fleet command and organisation as well as general pvp and sov mechanics and the things that go with them such as citadels, towers, entosising etc. I have also organised and attended many real life player meet ups and events, including venturing to Iceland in 2014.

My position:

In the time I have been a fleet commander the meta for the game has changed more times than I can count and the nerf bat has been used so brazenly that leaves players with their last 3 months of training no longer viable. Skill extractors help to alleviate this but it is not a great solution to this issue. When one meta rises above the rest, the creation of potential counter plays is a more ideal outcome rather than the nerf bat approach.

Since starting and running a corporation and alliance it is clear that the alliance system especially needs an overhaul. As a leader I feel like there is very limited options available that come with that power. There are no real options or hard coded game mechanics that the alliance executor can push onto member corporations, it is all done outside the base mechanics. An expansion on options such as voting to force tax rates alliance wide or direct taxing from the alliance to corporations. These are several potential changes that could shake up alliance mechanics.

While the current state of sovereignty mechanics does make it easier for small alliances to potentially get a foot in the door, the current mechanics still make it easy for a much larger entity to push a smaller one out. I believe there needs to be more defensive bonuses for alliances holding sovereignty, it makes sense that people should have to fight tooth and nail to push long standing residents out of an area. Citadels are also an emerging mechanic that has presented potential issues, especially for smaller alliances and their ability to counter them being placed by hostiles within owned space and their subsequent removal. Obviously I understand this is a new set of features but I believe it is important to develop them correctly as soon as possible.

Those are the primary topics I feel strongly about and believe I have the experience to contribute positively to the CSM with. I am more than happy to answer questions about anything people are curious about my views on. Lastly the CSM is a communication line, not a place for my personal wishes to be granted, so while I feel strongly about these topics it's not about forcing this at them, more about representing how these changes can benefit the game overall and enhance players experiences.

I can be contacted in-game on Fawlty7 or on the following mediums:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fawlty8 (Not a typo it really is @fawlty8)

Discord: Fawlty7#8214