Carbon Alabel

Country: Croatia

Character Created: 2013/04/27

Corp/Alliance: The Alabaster Albatross/Sev3rance

Reddit: CarbonAlabel

Twitter: @CarbonAlabel

Website: Carbon Alabel

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Ballot Statement

Provibloc based player and CSM candidate oriented towards player privacy and CSM transparency.

Campaign Post

I am Carbon Alabel, and this is my candidacy thread for CSM XII.

For those of you who have no idea who I am, I am a member of The Alabaster Albatross, part of Sev3rance and Provibloc, and this is my first time running for the CSM.

I started playing EVE in 2013, in high sec, where I spent about a year and a half, mainly running missions along with some light industry and trading. After that, I moved to Providence, where I have been building up experience with various types of activities null sec has to offer. During both my time in high sec and in null sec, I have also been spending time in wormholes, though in general I prefer the false sense of security provided by local chat and fixed gates in K-space.

I am also an experienced third party developer. I’ve made various bots, apps, and utilities (though not as many of them as I would like are publicly available), along with numerous contributions to the third party developer documentation, and am participating in the ongoing development of the new ESI API, along with many other interested third party developers. I’ve also recently started a blog, for which I’ve only written one post so far, which should still give you some insight into my thought process and inform you about some upcoming changes.

Why am I running for CSM? I know EVE inside and out, I have the time for it, and trust myself to be responsible with the role should I be elected.

What would I do on the CSM? As every CSM member should, I will provide feedback to CCP based on the issues and challenges faced by EVE’s community. Along with that, these are my primary beliefs and interests which I will be pursuing:

CSM transparency: The CSM is a democratically elected body, and as such the voters deserve an insight into its workings. Even though recent Councils have major strides with respect to their transparency, the fact remains that the CSM is an opaque body by design. Despite that, I feel there is still progress to be made, and that I could help make that happen.

Protection of information: The amount of free and accurate intel which can be collected in EVE with little to no risk or effort is astounding.

I believe that most forms of intel collection should require some kind of investment of resources, whether that is in form of players being active in space or infiltrating competing organizations, deployment of structures which require maintenance and are vulnerable to assault, or interaction with NPCs.

Availability of information: EVE is a sandbox, and the ingenuity of its players is responsible for a large part of what it is. However, many players, both old and new, lack awareness of EVE’s various game mechanics, placing them at a huge disadvantage.

Players should experience loss because they made a mistake or were outsmarted by someone, not because they weren’t even aware that a certain game mechanic existed, and information on it wasn’t available to them.

Third party content creators: They come in many forms. Third party developers who make tools that help make some parts of EVE less tedious, writers who report on in-game events and help those who aren’t actively playing stay in touch with the game, tutorial makers who help educate players on both basic and more advanced forms of gameplay, and streamers who showcase what EVE can be and help bring in more players.

What all of them have in common is that they help make EVE a better game in a way CCP couldn’t manage by themselves, which is why CCP should support them as best as they can.

That’s it from me. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you consider placing me on your ballot! If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me.

How to contact me:

Twitter - Discord - Tweetfleet Slack - In-game