
Character Created: 2004-04-02

Country: United States

Corp/Alliance: GoonWaffe

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

Twitter: @EVEAryth

The Goon they Love, the Villain you Deserve

Another year of CSMing coming up shortly. Another year in which I tell you how much I despise all things pubbie. I am not going to put any tags on my thread because I don’t care what anyone outside my bloc thinks. All of the other candidates are going to need to shill for votes.

Not me! I am going to tell you just how terrible you are and that you should vote for anyone else. Because you are amoeba who do not matter to the grand story of EVE. The other candidates will at least give you lipservice that you are a special snowflake of an amoeba because they want your votes.

You can count on me to tell you the brutal truth dear lower lifeforms! As far as I am concerned you are all Naegleria Fowleri and if I let you get too close you will infect my brain with your stupid.

PS. f wormholers