Norjia Blacksteel

Candidacy Withdrawn Due To Working At A Studio That Does Work For Star Citizen

Corp/Alliance: Blacksteel Mining and Manufacturing/Renaissance Federation

Country: Canada

Eve Who Link

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Ballot Statement

Having been in the game as a CEO since 2006, I have a lot of experience with how the social structures in the game work.

As a game designer with a deep appreciation for what EVE is trying to accomplish, I value the fine balance it must strike between those players who build, and those who tear down.

Above all, I am most interested in helping the game function better from a systems standpoint.

As one example, the ability of corporations to operate as profit-sharing entities is severely hampered by the lack of any way reliably to transfer stocks in exchange for something.

If I am elected, I promise to do my utmost to facilitate communcation between the playerbase and CCP.

Campaign Post


I'm a long-time CEO and many-year alliance leader, and I've decided to run for the CSM. I'm a game programmer and a game designer in real life, so I have a lot of experience with the kinds of issues I would have to deal with as a CSM member. I am also a very good communicator, and will have no trouble conveying my thoughts and ideas.

As far as the game itself goes, my main priorities at this time would be balance and finance.

I'd like to see more of EVE's systems balanced to keep the various Bartle Types of players happy in the game, which leads to a healthier playerbase.

In terms of finance, the biggest thing I think EVE needs is a way to trade stocks reliably. A functioning stock market would be a great player-driven system to have. This would of course require an overhaul of the current system of what owning stocks allows players to do.

While my corp has tended to be on the carebear side of the game over the years, this does not mean that I would be for tilting the game's systems in favor of passive playstyles. I am a firm believer that it is the danger presented by other players in the game that makes building so rewarding. While I think there are a few places where the balance leans a bit too far in one direction, I would not favor moving too far in the other as a means of "fixing" it.

As I also favor concise communitcations, I will keep this short and sign off now. I check my EVEmail and this form about once per day, so expect responses to take about that long to come through.
