
Character Created: 2006/03/06

Corp/Alliance: Z3R0 Return Mining Inc./Illusion of Solitude

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Campaign Post

Attention Pilots

I am Brodit, I am pleased to announce my candidacy for CSM XI. I would like to represent, YOU, the community from whom I have taken so much. Consider it pay back. I will, to the best of my ability represent your needs and desires to CCP for the betterment of US all. I will do this with a light heart and a steely resolve. I may not be serious about the craft, but I am very serious about the community and the need for clear communication both ways. To those ends I am not standing on any specific issue but will be available for discussion either directly through the in game public channel Brodit’s Surgery or indirectly via eve mail. I don’t have a prepared platform to stand on I will simply reflect the views brought to me by the community. My view is this, if I have an agenda that I want to pursue; I go to fanfest and simply grab one of devs from the relevant team and bend their ear. If I catch them at the bar, I can feed them beer, if I catch them in the smoking tent they can’t even see the exit let alone run for it. Useful tactics to take forward to the CSM.


In 2004 my mate described EveOnline as a sandbox “as open ended as any pen and paper roleplaying game”, a bold claim I was immediately sceptical of, sorry Baldie. After watching him play and extensive research on my part I realised he was probably right and in 2006 started playing. I remember reading the Dev blog for new players and it saying how it was impossible to be a generalist in New Eden, at some point we are all forced to specialise. Never tell me what I can’t do, I’ll move heaven and hell to prove you wrong. Well it’s almost ten years later, I was right, they were wrong. Admittedly it has taken that long to have the skill set to call myself a generalist but I finally did it.

My playstyle is fairly random and dictated by what I want to do at that moment. I like mining and don’t really care where I do it, high sec., null sec., even wormhole. I don’t mine in low sec. unless I am bait or ninja mining. My career as a miner began in 2006 in high sec. until I moved out to null sec where it continued, however what is the point of mining all those minerals if you can’t manufacture stuff with them; so studied production skills. Early on I realised that even if you can’t fly combat vessels you can still die to them, so I trained some rudimentary combat skills and opened up mission running and exploration skill sets. I was well on the way to being the pilot I am now. In spite of numerous sojourns to null sec. I could never find the right alliance, with the possible exception of Ushra’Khan, unfortunately they were in cascade mode so I returned to Empire. Finally, in 2012 with my bucket list thinning, I joined a wormhole alliance. My skills as a generalist are ideal in this environment, three years I’ve been here I don’t think I’ll ever leave. All of New Eden is on my doorstep, anything I want to do I can, anything my corp mates want to do we can. Wins all round.


Like any society there are bits of this community I love, bits I hate and other bits which I neither know nor care about. This is a list of some of those things. For a game which purports to be all about the pew the Alliance Tournament is a perennial disappointment. It is cumbersome, implausible and as far from the daily experience of the player base as you can get. Whereas the Tuskers always come out with something which is entertaining and at least is recognisably part of New Eden. The Eve_NT tourney is cool, smaller gangs with greater accessibility to the community is another example of a great pvp format. For the same reason I really liked the recent rites of Succession for the Amarr. Theorycrafting for a match which starts an hour later provides a greater challenge for the participants as well as a making the results far less predictable. Can I just say – Kador were robbed.

I love player gatherings. Been to a few, Fanfest obviously is always a blast. Surprisingly good natured considering how vitriolic wars in New Eden can get. Not that I’m surprised, rob a man of his anonymity and you force him to engage his brain before his mouth. Shame the same can’t be said of public forums. I’ve been to a few local meets which is handy for recognising people when you head to FF. I was even at the launch party for Dust in Newcastle, hammered doesn’t even begin to describe how drunk I got. I talked shop with fellow miners, talked pew with a couple of guys from PL, talked about player gatherings with the guy who organised the 10th anniversary celebration of EveOnline.

And finally …

I am Scottish and all this earnestness is making my teeth ache, excuse me while I rip the ****. You’ll all want to know what experience I have to represent the community. None. If 10 years as a pilot in New Eden doesn’t qualify me as an expert nothing will. I don’t blog, (two posts does not a blogger make). I write stuff but not as a writer, but as a memory aid for storytelling. Most recently I wrote a bunch of “jokes” for a stand-up routine, comedy like storytelling is stylised lying or lying for dramatic effect and I lie like a politician; especially when it is unnecessary. Lying is an art form, it requires constant practice because you never know when you will have to deliver an absolute whopper. Anyone who doesn’t believe CCP lies needs to look up the phrase commercially sensitive information. By extension, anyone who thinks the CSM doesn’t lie doesn’t understand the meaning of NDA. I do, but then I have politkicking to level 5.

If you like what I have to say, I will need your vote. I have no bloc vote to rely on nor a blog for self-promotion. If you’re unsure, Public Channel is Brodit’s Surgery, come talk to me direct.

Fly Well.

Tl;dr Vote Brodit, the CSM member this community deserves.