Monster Dude

Country: Finland

Character Created: 2008/03/01

Corp/Alliance: Raging Angels/Pure Blind Cartel

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Ballot Statement

In short I want to give my inputs in following problematic areas of EVE: - total war vs botting in all forms of it. - as part of above improve communication between GM's and petitioners - zero tolerance to bugs - safety proposals to make it playable fair - as part of above you get what you see - bring in few cool ideas (who knows may be they are not bad) - be careful with citadels! more details please find below.

Part of my job is software QA and good part of it is to find and describe problems, criticize them and propose solutions. And very same I finally want to do for EVE after many years of playing and seeing things that are not perfect and can be improved.

* Botting is ruining game economics, providing unfair advantages.

My point of view is simple - either admit and accept it and provide this functionality for all. Or do all that possible to ban it. Some hoe I believe that solution will lay in continuous war vs botting - and I believe I know how it can be improved.

* As part of above improve communication between GM's and petitioners need to be improved, to keep active players more engaged in this process.

* There are old bugs/strange features/bad UI that we see for years. They never seem to get addressed. I want to bring them into the focus to make New Eden better place!

* Safety proposals to make it playable fair. We all want to undock, jump into the gate to get into action. But what if action comes to you before you even can see it or react on it? I'd like to push for different mechanics of undock that will make sure you don't get hurt before you fully loaded and ready for the action to come.

* As part of above you get what you see! Have you ever asked yourself being in those full of glass stations with huge or small windows in it "How come I need to undock in order to see what is it next to station?" Let's do it that way if we have this futuristic models - we should have features of it. Regarding to unclock actually - let's have a window feature in stations/outposts where you can see what is it on undock.

* Let's be careful with citadels introduction and pushing towards them so that communities that has less isk will not be too much hurt by communities that are very rich.

Wishing you all better eve tomorrow!

Campaign Post
