Ncc 1709

Country: United Kingdom

Character Created: 2008/01/16

Corp/Alliance: Fusion Enterprises Ltd/Badfellas Inc.

Reddit: Ncc-1709

Twitter: @realNcc1709

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

EVE_NT - Written Interview

Ballot Statement

I wish to help improve null sec for the little guy

I have been playing eve for just over 9 years. have been living in nullsec for almost 7. Ive been involved in the big fights, big and small alliances. Lost space, gained space, lost titan and supers.

Im presently Ceo of Fusion, in a industry heavy nullsec alliance.

I would like to see small groups being able to hold area's of space and not requiring a supercap blob to hold it.

Nullsec mining has turned into rorqual or nothing, this needs changing

Nullsec ore mining is still unbalanced.

Theres not enough benefits to producing T2 in nullsec over highsec which needs improving.

Campaign Post

Bit late to the party

I'm ceo of Fusion Enterprices Ltd, corporation formed in 2006.

We have had our fair share of time in various Nullsec alliances, Mostly Harmless, Morsus Mihi, NC. , Irc, Nulli secunda and presently in Badfellas.

I Started off as a highsec missioner, First reasonable taste PVP was a highsec war was agisnt Wrik Hoover who is now a ceo in PL. Since then ive tried providence back when you could day trip rat / mine without too many issues, to being in the biggest fights the game has seen (Uemon, 020, LXQ, MTO2 and others) i missed B-R due to hospitalisation...

Ive lost pretty much every ship in the game, Titan and nyx included. Killboard

I tend to not backdown from fights, unless its a trap.

Some people know me, others know of Fusion from past connections.

Ive had good communication with present csm, and im hoping to go further by stepping up my self.

Some items that I want to get addressed as CSM

Rorquals / Nullsec mining

Bubbles / Nullification

Citadel / ec deployment mechanics

Cloaky camping....

Moon goo

and a few other items

If anyone has any questions, mailing me ingame is the fastest option.