Manic Velocity

Character Created: 2009-06-21

Country: United States

Corp/Alliance: Aliastra/None

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

Twitter: @manicvelocity

Twitch: ManicVelocity


Website: Link


I feel I have a strong understanding of the type of game EVE is, and the type of personalities that EVE tends to attract. This has helped me develop a very particular voice among the EVE community, and it puts me in a position to communicate the unique foothold that EVE has within the MMO genre. I was the first player ever to be invited to Fanfest to co-host the opening and closing ceremonies with CCP Guard. I think that speaks highly of my abilities to communicate to the community. My strength as a CSM member would be best represented in my ability to bridge the gap between CCP's small community team and the EVE community itself.

I am not here to represent any bloc of leadership or claim to attempt to fix any singular play style. I want to think bigger than that and help represent the EVE community as a whole, so that EVE can continue to grow and eventually outlive everyone reading this.


Some of you probably know me best as “The most punchable face in New Eden”. It was on every billboard in the game for about two years. But where I’ve been most active is on the streaming side of EVE. Through my efforts in producing an EVE-themed variety show on Twitch and Youtube, I’ve been invited by CCP to collaborate on multiple community-focused projects. This includes co-hosting the opening and closing ceremonies with CCP Guard at Fanfest 2017, (I was the first player ever asked to do so), as well as being brought on to co-host EVE TV at Fanfest and EVE Vegas on multiple occasions.

I feel I have a particularly strong understanding of the type of game EVE is, the types of personalities that EVE tends to attract, and what that means for EVE in the MMO genre as a whole. I feel this puts me in a good position to bridge the gap between CCP’s now-much-smaller community team, and the EVE community itself.

I also tend to meme pretty hard. You might be familiar with some of my gifs.

I’ve been playing EVE since 2009. Prior to that I was heavily involved in The Matrix Online, and was one of the first players accepted into its volunteer Live Events Special Interest Group which mirrored many aspects of what the CSM is intended to be.

I love EVE, and I want what is best for this community and the game. I like to think big when it comes to EVE’s ongoing development. That’s why I’m running for CSM, and I hope I have your vote!

If you want to chat, you can reach out to me here on the forums, or on Twitter, or on my Discord.