Marshall Mark

Country: Hungary

Character Created: 2010/11/30

Corp/Alliance: Hungarian Bastardz/No Alliance

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Ballot Statement

The CSM candidate who spent most if his time with small-gang PvP, has experience with large battles, wormhole life, wants to perfect ECM mechanics and would like to introduce a system which connects the developers to the players directly. You can always reach me in-game and on Discord!

Dear Capsuleers!

My name is Mark and I'm a game developer from Hungary. I've been playing Eve for almost 7 years now, and I thought that I'm going to try my best and represent the independent small-groups in Iceland during the 12th CSM term. My main goal is to make Eve last many-many years, and to bring much more players into New Eden. This makes the game's stability one of my most important aspect about the game. The network performance should be always top priority, a game like this can't afford delays and rubber-banding. Many times I've encountered the greatness of ECM modules. ECM is a very interesting game-mechanic, but I think there is some things that could change about that. Reading through the reddit topics about this, I think an ECM tiercide would be a really great improvement and would make the scorpion - for example - usable again. I also think, that there should be a system in-game, where selected developers can ask players questions, that could be answered right in-game.

Campaign Post
