
Country: United States

Character Created: 2009/07/19

Corp/Alliance: Dark-Rising/Wrecking Machine.

Newsite: The Neocom, EVE-NT

Reddit: Roedyn

Twitter: @Roedyn12

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media appearances

Crossing Zebras

Declarations of War 127

Mind Clash Podcast 21

Statecraft CSM Debates - Day 1, Session 1

Talking in Stations - Soundcloud - YouTube

Ballot Statement

I will bring value to the CSM as a communicator. I will not be a candidate bound by the type of space that I play in. I am a candidate suitable to interact with CCP based on my experience. I will encourage the CSM to work together to have subject matter experts on hand to produce quality results.

We need a candidate that can objectively seek out information and articulate honest player sentiment to assist CCP.

A dedicated subject matter expert is useful in delivering feedback regarding mechanics. However, there is equal value in having a candidate that can work outside of his comfort zone and tackle subjects that are unfamiliar. I am that candidate.

I'm looking forward to giving information back to the player base. It's very difficult to get excited about something you're not aware of. I plan to change this by incorporating CSM / CCP related information to my regular writing routine. I am that writing contributor, I am that candidate.

We need a candidate that can draw upon his varied experience through different types of space, not just one. We need someone that can relate to the greater player base, not just the dedicated few. I am that candidate.

I look forward to assisting CCP to provide us a better game than we currently know it now. With your help, I can be that candidate.

Campaign Post

My name is Roedyn and I am proud to announce my candidacy for CSM XII.

Who Am I?

1. Wrecking Machine. Alliance line member - assisted the alliance in the destruction of several dozen citadels in empire. Uniquely aware of the challenges and shortcomings of the war declaration system from an organizational standpoint.

2. Wormhole Resident - Have lived in and day tripped C1 - C5 wormholes since the Apocrypha expansion. Currently living in a dual static C2 with citadels.

3. Trusted Trader - An active participant in the SCC Lounge Discord that houses notable market players in the game. A competitive station trader that has earned the trust of investors to support their respective community driven projects such as Mike Azariah for the Magic School Bus and J Mcclain for Best Of Us.

4. The Neocom Writer - Creator of the “Trade Recap” weekly market articles since April 2016. Provided historical personal trading news and updates to investors regarding trading operations.

5. Faction Warfare - Since 2010 have consistently participated in FW game play for all militias at one point or another. Currently serving in the Caldari Militia. Active and genuine solo pvper in the warzone.

Why Am I Running For CSM?

I was frustrated when CSM XI was announced and it was almost a mirror of the major participants of WWB. I thought to myself that this will be another year that anything outside of direct null sec play will not be discussed or have any interest due to the nature of the candidates. Instead of complaining about it, I decided to run for the following year's CSM.

Fortunately, this year's CSM was very productive. The focus groups and roundtables gathered interest and was hopefully instrumental to CCP in improving the game. Some of those roundtables actually addressed my previous concerns, most notably the war dec round table.

All voices from all types of players do have value. I feel that I can help highlight concerns from those groups by actively seeking input, being available through more than one communication platform, and articulating my own thoughts on the matter.

What Is The Role Of The CSM? How Do I Promote That?

The CSM is an active and dependable communication instrument between CCP and the player base. I will promote this function by focusing my creative energy to work with fellow CSM to produce roundtables, focus groups, and articles about the process.

What Is My Platform?

I will bring value to the CSM as a communicator. I will not be a candidate bound by the type of space that I play in. I am a candidate suitable to interact with CCP based on my well rounded experience. If you’re looking for a candidate that will be biased towards one area of space over another, I may not be an attractive choice for you. However, I can offer the following.

When solicited for suggestions by CCP, I will follow these principles.

-Concerning mechanics or ship balancing, be aware of the effects of scale.

-Address motivation. We must be able to articulate the individual’s perception of value derived from an activity.

-What’s In It For Me? There must be a measurable improvement to the experience of the individual player.

Teamwork - I will encourage the CSM to work together on CCP driven projects to have as much subject matter experts on hand to produce quality results.

Objectivity - I will offer experience based and data driven recommendations even if it is to the detriment of my gameplay style.

CCP / CSM Relationship - CSM are not junior developers. CCP takes the lead and seeks input from the CSM.

CCP Must Own This - It is not appropriate to leave mechanics and ship balancing issues without timely periodic iterations.

How Have I Worked Towards My Platform?

I actively engaged my alliance, the market and trading community, null sec entities, and faction warfare corporations to solicit recommendations and concerns regarding their respective space and gameplay style. I will not hesitate to directly communicate with anyone or any group regarding feedback they may have about the CSM process or CCP in general.

War Decs - More diplomatic options to resolve war decs

-Balance cost of war to refer to aggressor’s size

-Add deterioration mechanic to idle citadels

Market Community - API parity with XML and API endpoint for citadel range orders

Remote stacking of inventory items

-Make BPCs stackable to make item limit in hangars less cumbersome to manage

-Make PI interface similar to Industry Window Interface so you are able to see active PI setups, sort by yield, and connected / unconnected status

Null Sec - Adjust timers for citadels to reference its size. Astrahus should not be able to enjoy the same timer defensibility as its larger variants once shields are down.

-Reduce tether range or disallow safe log immediately after jumping to a cyno when in tether range

Adjust citadel roles to be task specific. Currently, the ability to fuel and man the weaponry is bound to the same role.

-Consider that it would take a T2 rigged Sotiyo to be in parity with a fully upgraded Amarr Outpost. The cost difference is tremendous in this instance.

-Rorquals disincentivized exhumer mining. Either give big boosts or mining ability, not both.

Faction Warfare - Address undock delay from citadels

-Citadels make geography irrelevant in the warzone. Address the relationship between the warzone, NPC stations, the station bonuses derived from FW, and citadels.

-Deliver more engaging FW missions and balance the ones that are currently available, especially the racial EWAR applied

If you find value in this type of work, then I am the candidate for you.