
Corp/Alliance: Habitual Euthanasia/Pandemic Legion

Country: Netherlands

Web site: Eve News 24

Twitter: @BobmonEve

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Ballot Statement

As some of you might have seen on the EVE Online Forums, I will be taking part in the elections this year for CSM 10.

The CSM panel has interested me for many years because I felt that it was an ideal place for both CCP and the players to work together, and help develop the game in a positive manner. CCP Devs can run their ideas by the panel and see how they respond, and the players (CSM) can raise issues that might have been overlooked by CCP employees. Through this system, we have seen many things get solved pretty smoothly and I hope that this will continue to be so in the future.

Who the hell is this guy, Bobmon??

Most of you will know me from my time here at EN24, so let give you a quick introduction of who I am and what I’ve done.

My real life name is Bob, I’m almost 20 years old and currently live in Holland (can’t wait for the next Evesterdam). I started playing EVE Online in 2010 and have only taken a few small breaks from EVE since. I have attended four EVEmeets during this period which were: London VETO meet in 2012, Evesterdam 2013 & 2014 and Fanfest 2014. All these events were a blast; what I liked the most was discussing EVE while drinking a beer or two with players whom I might never meet in game. I’ve done many things during my time—both in game and out—so let me sum them up for you:

- Highsec noob

– WH’s (normal player mode; c3/c4)

– 0.0 (C0NVICTED member; Delve War – Morsus Mihi Invades)

– BLACK-MARK (FC position around the time CFC took over White Noise Space)

– Red. Overlord (FC for my Corp – Fighting alliance such as 250+ Tribal band with 30 dudes and one POS)

– Unclaimed. (Second In Command / Head Diplomat – Main task was communication with the HBC Coalition)

– Northern Coalition. (Line member that died ‘fishing’ – RIP NYX)

– Homemade Napalm (Project but failed)

- (Counter) Espionage

– EN24 Chief Editor and CEO

– Assisted in Organizing Evesterdam 2014

- Member of the “Fishing Crew”

- Assisted with an Archon in the Charity event organised by Bacchanalian in 2014

– I’m currently a member of Habitual Euthanasia, Pandemic Legion.

Why should you vote for me?

Unlike most other CSM candidates, I have a lot of experience talking to many different kinds of players spread across all areas and game styles. I can relate to their play style because I’ve done it in the past. I understand the issues they might have, or awesome ideas that otherwise may get overlooked.

EVE is often looked at from a general 0.0 alliance point of view (of course we have seen some changes happen in other places), but generally this area is given the most attention. Now, this is understandable because the player base for Nullsec is huge, but often changes that are designed to ‘fix’ 0.0 can have unforeseen effects on those living elsewhere in the EVE universe. This is what I want to look at the most in my term in the CSM. Individuals should not be hurt by things that a larger group decides need changing. In the end, those individuals are the ones who make each corp and alliance tick.

Agendas are often asked of CSM candidates, but over time we have seen that agendas are pointless because the CSM’s primary task is to be a team responding to CCP ideas, and not a group of people who are designing the game. For this reason, it’s pointless to make an agenda. However, I do believe—like other players in the game—that there are some areas that deserve the attention that I can hopefully convince CCP to give them. You can find all of my ideas in my forum thread however I do want to point out a few of them:

1st: Change SBU’s to become single use!

2nd: review: Jump fatigue

3rd: More live events (ingame)

4th: more transparency on the CSM

(invite CSM to CCP's live streams etc.)

If I make it to the CSM 10 team this year, I will do my best to keep open communications within all of New Eden, allowing good ideas to catch the attention of CCP and work as hard as possible to make the most of my time with the CSM!

Thanks for reading and I hope I can count on your support!

To read more information about my CSM campaign, please check out:

Campaign Post

Hello Friends,

My name is Bobmon, You might know me from being the CEO of I started playing Eve Online actively in 2010. I got into the game through a couple of friends at the time who ran their own (dutch) corp. This corp was a member of a highsec alliance which at the time had an active wardec going on. I had no chance fighting, and so I got into spying and I'm proud to say that my first official task in EVE was to spy upon my enemies!!

Between these beginning days and now I did many things such as:

- WH's (normal player mode; c3/c4)

- 0.0 (C0NVICTED member; Delve War - Morsus Mihi Invades)

- BLACK-MARK (FC position around the time CFC took over White Noice Space)

- Red. Overlord (FC for my Corp - Fighting alliance such as 250+ Tribal band with 30 dudes and one pos)

- Unclaimed. (Second In Command / Head Diplomat - Focus was to work with HBC)

- Northern Coalition. (Line member that died fishing (RIP NYX)

- Homemade Napalm (Project but failed)

- EN24 Chief Editor and CEO

- Help organise Evesterdam

- Currently I'm a member of Habitual Euthanasia, Pandemic Legion.


I think the most important job of being a CSM member is to be a bridge between CCP and players as most as possible. Players are the one playing, and their issues are the ones that need to be solved. If I would have to list them it would probably come down to

- Nullsec / lowsec

- Fix Cyno ''turn pos shield on'' exploit

- Alliance Warfare and how changes affect this

- Space Usages / coverage

- Ships and their use

- Make sure changes happen to is needed and not the ''let's add a shiny ship'' tactic

- Make sure Creators (dev) understands players problems

- Effect changes on small alliances

- Fleet fights (Think about 50 high sp chars vs. 250 newbies)

- Communication between player and dev

- Increase support for Events

Of course these are just some of my personal topics that I want to address but I am open to whatever comes at me to discuss.

Why do you wanna become a CSM member

Over this past year, I have had a ton of eve-related discussions with Devs, CSM members and players, and it made me realise that we as a community have a lot of great Ideas. I would love to focus these great ideas into actual small pieces for devs to take into account when working on projects. I have also worked together with a lot of different types of players making me able to understand differences in how groups respond to ''ideas'', Also I want to make sure that the player doesnt get forgotten in the whole development of EVE. change is foccused from top to button but through this mentality you forgot who actually play this game, The players. I want to make sure I represent those, The players and nobody else!

Ways to get to know me better?

1) Feel free to ask me questions in this forum thread

2) Check out my Twitter

3) Check out my past Articles

4) Check out Bob's Corner where I talk about stuff that interests me

5) Feel free to mail me at: if you want to talk


#1 ''Hardcore Player Mode''

CCP Rise talked about this a few weeks back and it got me interested. I did some thinking, and I liked the idea to have a ''special alt'' who is badass at doing pvp related stuff.

Hardcore player mode in my opinion should be based on the pirate faction lines, This would work because it would back up the fact that your char can always be shot, even in highsec by all other players. This char is special because once you ''unlock'' it you get a certain amount of SP that you can use on ALMOST ALL PVP RELATED SKILLS.. With ''almost all'' I mean that I want to exclude every skill that doesn't require you to actually pvp in your ship such as:

- no cloak and cloak related ships (bombers, probers)

- no station skills

- no poss related skills (only anchor maybe)

These pirate faction chars would only have the capability to fly their own pirate race ships (maybe all pirate ships, haven't decided yet) because they created these themselves to fight off their enemies. The effect of them self designing their ships might result in a small extra bonus but again, not sure on this yet.

Pirate Chars won't have access to WH space because their focus is to fight their true enemy, The big four factions.

Fleet wise I want these chars to basically be solo ''roaming'' ácross new Eden but I do think that they should be able to group up with other pirates of their faction but this might result in them getting some drawbacks at forming fleets or whatever. Pirate Chars should basically force a player to be on top of their game or they get killed

Pirates can maybe even make isk through killing people that do militia related stuff, and I would love them to be these little pricks who cause a lot of chaos everywhere their go.

Let me know what you guys think!

#2 Fix Cyno ''turn pos shield on'' Exploit

This is a exploit so lets thread it as one. Fix would be easy by simply adding cyno rules to anchored and onlining posses

(cyno rules can be found here

#3 Lowsec

Make lowsec better for new alliances and Players to get into pvp so that they have a place to grow (more on this in this you can find here)

#4 Jump Fatigue

Jump fatigue had increadable effects but it ruins a lot of fun for the individual pilot. I hate this, I find it very strange that me as a individual pilot im forced to basicly not use a certain ship because it will stop me later on in joining up fleets. I think the future would be much better if we created a so called: Jump Button. This would work as followed:

Right click modle -> Select system (current menu) -> click system, jump -> Wait certain time (10mins) and continue.

#5 Capitals

Capitals are really not as OP as some groups say they are. their problem is just that they are good at a little bit of everything. I think we should look into the roles of each capital and make it more focused. in order to achieve this more focused role you could for instance split up the carriers into a DPS variant and a Logi variant.

I think Jump fatigue has a lot of bad effects, and I would like to see it adjusted to a minimal scale. If I look back at the discussion then I think Elise Randolph sums it up the best and I 100% Agree with what says about it (link to the forum thread)

#6 Space Usages / Coverage

Space should be used and so I suggest making ''bad'' system better so that an alliance has to own less space. Also I believe that Jump bridges should stay as they were for inner region movements.

#7 Make the CSM more public

I think the past CSM's have done a great job posting weekly updates on what has being going on, However I think that we should see our CSM more often on live streams. Get them to tell how they responded to certain ideas, projects etc. This will ''force'' people to get to know their CSM and It will show you how important the csm are for the game.