Vic Jefferson

Corp/Alliance: Goonwaffe/Goonswarm Federation

Country: Canada

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Cap Stable

Just For Crits

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Ballot Statement

So basically, everyone wants to log on and create content, be part of a fight, get rich and/or acquire something, or otherwise partake of some chaos and hilarity. However, in the current state of EvE, this can be an actual challenge – so much of the population is in High Sec, which should come as no surprise as so much of the 'cheese' is so safely available there for new and old player alike to grow fat and bored on. The main principle I am running on is buffing NPC null, Low Sec, and Sov Null to the extent that people can start in any security band from day one while also prospering learning, and getting involved with the universe. Let's make EvE like the trailers – for real. Distribute resources as content seeds and watch the players do the rest. Give people a challenge, not a chore. Please see my campaign thread on the EvE main forums.

Campaign Post

So basically, everyone wants to log on and create content, be part of a fight, get rich and/or acquire something,, or otherwise partake of some chaos and hilarity. However, in the current state of EvE, this can be an actual challenge – so much of the population is in High Sec, which should come as no surprise as so much of the 'cheese' is so safely available there for new and old player alike to grow fat and bored on. The main principle I am running on is buffing NPC null, Low Sec, and Sov Null to the extent that people can start in any security band from day one while also prospering learning, and getting involved with the universe. Let's make EvE like the trailers – for real. Distribute resources as content seeds and watch the players do the rest. Give people a challenge, not a chore.

My go-to success story is that of Barleguet and Brave Newbies. I am in no way affiliated with Brave, but I have seen their work first hand. Basically, you had an empty low-sec system which was otherwise unremarkable besides for a few level 5 agents. Once they were done moving in, Barleguet was transformed into a 24-7 content stop where a man could buy a quafe, a rifter, and 5000 rounds of EMP S and use them all on the way home. Just by concentrating some population, all sorts of content sprung up; new markets, defense fleets, and gangs coming from far and wide. Surely some of the most fierce players in Brave now surely got their first lessons and adrenaline rushes from belt ratting around planet seven. Content fed a cycle of content creation. An unimposing, non-FW system became a huge hub of activity.

Which brings me to the actual crux of it all – there needs to be more resources in low and null that are both profitable and accessible to new and old players, resources which will both be in demand and create content. The Security Tags and Mordu's Angel spawns are great examples. I think everyone sort of tacitly realizes that High Sec L4s and Incursions are a sacred cow that will not be tipped over any time soon, ergo the solution if you want to promote more real interaction is to actually properly balance other resources and income potential. If you could put another Barleguet on the map, you would create a great place for new players to actually learn the game, and content for everyone. The charm of Barleguet wasn't smashing the day old player in the venture trying to get rich off that sweet, sweet Jaspet, it was the chaos that immediately descended into asteroid belt. For better or worse, you just need an impetus to get people undocked, the rest created itself. I want a reason for a new group of players to rush out into lowsec, struggle to survive, lose countless ships, but have a chance to become far wealthier than their High Sec cousins, and have many more exciting tales to share.

Basically, I am against anything new in High Sec – High Sec is fine. Add all new content to other security bands and plant the seeds of content today. Getting people to lose ships day one will create players who appreciate the beauty of the game. Alternatively, they can just grow fat and bored in High Sec, and not create content for others and themselves. The new player experience should be unique and personal, not reminiscent of some tired quest hub NPC telling them to slay 30 Yeti and recover 30 Yeti toenails...I mean 30 Serpentis and tags. Give the new player a rifter, and let the universe and his new friends be the teacher.

If you are a High Sec player, then you should still vote for me. Why? Half the reason High Sec is such a warzone right now is because you have tons of bored players with nothing to shoot – all the big, easy killmails are in High Sec. I used to run a ganking corporation. Under a proper re-balancing of resources, there would a reason for some gankers to actually grow up and leave High Sec, as there would actually be content to chase. Incursions, however, should not even be in High Sec. Story people should have Sansha Kuvakei use wormhole technology to steal CONCORD ship plans from the Jove, enabling them to jam system-wide communications; no CONCORD response to capsuleer aggression in systems under incursion. Having income that secure and that high in High Sec literally asphyxiates content in all other security bands. At least nullsec ratters create content for people, and are at risk for their daily income. Put another way, we would never have seen the miracle of Barleguet if all of those brave new players simply min-maxed risk vs reward and stayed in high sec doing L4s or Incursions.

Tech II logi frigates need to be a thing. Many players would be very interested in flying one and the skill requirements should be forgiving enough so they can get into one as they would an assault frigate. It is good that lots of good fleet doctrines use lots of lower SP ships. Lots of "Fun Size" ships are in good shape now, but are always in need of some work; the golden rule should be, can a group of 5-10 friends who decide to play the game together, after enough welping, be able to field a good gang?

Whatever new ships, whatever new tags, whatever new anything is released, the core question should be, will it create conflict? Will it be a resource people can fight over, and a resource that will be in demand? A lot of that is probably way above what one can do as a CSM, but at least you know where I stand. After a few hours in Thera, it shows the promise of a Barleguet style area that is linked to the whole universe – this idea was amazing and is fantastic for every part of the game.