PreK Teacher/ECSE Teacher
PreK Teacher/ECSE Teacher
Requires dual licensure in both PK and Early Childhood Special Education.
Our PreK/ECSE Program provides an educational opportunity for children who are 4 years old in an inclusive preschool setting. Within this setting, the dually-endorsed teacher maintains both a general education classroom with children that meet the Virginia Preschool Initiative eligibility requirements while at the same time including children with special needs creating a diverse community of learners.
Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
• Attending to the requirements detailed in the IEPs of special needs students in coordination with the special education team (parents, special education teacher, specialized personnel, and service providers).
• Implementing evidence based practices that support optimal developmental growth for children with a wide range of abilities
• Fostering collaborative relationships with family members, teaching peers, and PreK support staff as well as community agencies in serving the whole child
• Preparing for transition both from home to school and from PreK to kindergarten