JOB DESCRIPTION:  Secondary Administrator / CTE (Career & Technical Education)

The secondary administrator will assist the principal in providing leadership for the certificated staff of the school including the CTE programs in the development, implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive educational program, and in administering the program in accordance with school board policies and administrative rules and regulations.



• Hold a postgraduate professional teaching license with an endorsement in administration and supervision K-12

• Have at least three (3) years of successful, full-time experience as a teacher, supervisor or administrator

• Demonstrated the leadership qualities and personal characteristics necessary for working effectively with students, teachers and parents


Reports to: School Principal


Performance Responsibilities:

Under the direction of the school principal, carry out the following responsibilities:

• Provide an instructional program consistent with the goals and objectives of the school division

• Provide for the continuing development and implementation of an effective instructional program through classroom supervision and instructional leadership

• Work with the school staff and community to maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning and appropriate student behavior

• Utilize available supervisory personnel, as needed, to ensure an effective instructional program

• Supervise and evaluate the performance of each member of the school staff and establish individual programs for improvement consistent with the division’s staff development program

• Assign students to classes, programs, and activities designed to promote maximum learning

• Advise the personnel office of staff needs, and to participate in the recruitment, employment, assignment, promotion, transfer, non-renewal, and dismissal of certificated and classified personnel

• Work with other school and division administrators to provide for horizontal and vertical articulation of the instructional program

• Foster effective home-school communication by providing opportunities for parents and teachers to discuss student progress and other matters of mutual concern, and by encouraging community involvement in school activities

• Foster effective school-community relations by working with advisory groups and social service agencies and by facilitating community use of the school as established by division policy

• Promote good working relationships among staff members

• Devise and administer a school budget, utilizing all available funds, which is consistent with division instructional and administrative goals; to supervise the maintenance of accurate bookkeeping and accounting of school funds

• Exercise leadership in the development, implementation, and interpretation of division and school policies and regulations

• Be involved in professional enrichment to the extent necessary to keep abreast of developments in the school education and in the field of education generally

• Supervises, observes and evaluates CTE teachers and para-educators; supervises assigned secretarial staff; and coordinates and participates in the orientation, training, and, if needed, alternate certification plan development for program teachers.

• Prepares preliminary CTE operating budgets for submission to the appropriate secondary principals.

• Prepares, submits and manages the annual Carl Perkins Grant, including assuring grant guidelines and reporting requirements are met.  Searches out and applies for federal, state and other external sources of funds for CTE programs and activities.

• Leads ongoing curriculum development among CTE programs, in alignment with district curricula, advisory committee recommendations, and state requirements to ensure the District’s CTE programs engage student interests and meet the current needs of business and industry.

• Perform other duties as assigned by the principal 


Terms of Employment:  Twelve-month year.  Salary to be established by the School Board.


Evaluation:  Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with school board policy and administrative regulations on evaluation of administrative personnel.