Campus Principal - Secondary

JOB DESCRIPTION:                          

Provide leadership with the staff in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a comprehensive educational program, in accordance with school board policies and administrative rules and regulations.


·         hold a postgraduate professional license with an endorsement as principal.

·         at least three (3) years of successful, full-time experience as a teacher, Administrative experience preferred

·         have demonstrated the leadership qualities and personal characteristics necessary for working effectively with students, teachers, parents and other administrators.

Reports to:       Assistant Superintendent

Performance Responsibilities:

·         work with students, staff, parents and community people maintaining an atmosphere that fosters student achievement and appropriate student behavior.

·         provide for the continuing development and implementation of an effective instructional program through classroom observations and supervision of personnel.  This includes evaluating the performance of school staff members and establishing individual programs for improvement consistent with the division’s staff development program (Supervision and Evaluation Model).

·         foster effective home-school communication by providing opportunities for parents and teachers to discuss student progress and other matters of mutual concern.  (Special education issues and individual Educational Plan meetings included).

·         foster effective school-community relations by working with advisory groups and social service agencies (including suspended child abuse referrals).

·         maintain proper utilization, care and attractiveness of the buildings and grounds.  To make necessary referrals to maintenance and outside businesses as needed/approved.

·         promote good working relationships among staff members and fellow administrators.

·         coordinate the planning and administering of a school budget, utilizing all available funds; to assist with supervising the maintenance of accurate bookkeeping and accounting of school funds.

·         coordinate the community use of the school as established by division policy.

·         exercise leadership in the implementation and interpretation of division and school policies and regulations.

·         exercise leadership in the development and implementation of curriculum needs and programming.  This includes the successful implementation and alignment of testing and teaching procedures.

·         work with other school and division administrators to provide for horizontal and vertical articulation of the instructional program and school/county mission.

·         assign students to classes, programs, and activities designed to promote maximum learning.

·         advise the personnel office of staff needs and to participate in the recruitment, interviewing, employment, assignment, promotion, transfer, non-renewal, and dismissal of certificated/classified personnel.

·         be involved in professional enrichment to the extent necessary to keep abreast of developments in education

·         coordinate a census of school age children within the school district.

·         supervise and participate in the building school-wide Response to Intervention processes.

·         lead and support the building level School Improvement Plan, Crisis Plan, and Staff Development Plan.

·         lead and support parent groups, including parent advisory committees, monthly PTO/PTA board meeting, budget advisory committees, etc.

·         initiate and/or delegate the pursuit of alternative funding sources (e.g. grants).

·         establish and implement a timely, visionary and appropriate staff development plan for faculty and staff.

·         plan, purchase and reallocate, as needed, technological equipment and programming for students and staff.

·         structure and support a safe and efficient procedure meeting medical and emergency needs of students and staff.

·         assure that a multicultural, nonsexist, and developmentally appropriate program is provided for each child.

·         lead the staff in application of appropriate principles of child growth and development, particularly as they relate to the student’s linguistic, physical, social, emotional and cognitive needs.

·         foster partnerships with community business and industries.

·         implement and supervise appropriate special education programs.

·         implement and supervise programs that facilitate student health (e.g. dental, physical, dietary, etc.).

·         assume responsibility for the daily operation of the school and the safety and welfare of the students and employees.

·         perform other duties as assigned by the superintendent or designee.

Terms of Employment:            Twelve month year.  Salary to be established by the board.


Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with school board policy and administrative regulations on evaluation of administrative personnel.