Coordinator of Early Learning and School Readiness



JOB DESCRIPTION: Works to promote school readiness for our youngest learners from birth to 5 years old across all ability levels. Includes supervision and evaluation of Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) programs. Coordinates with other early learning providers in the community including Head Start, Early Head Start, private day care centers and family day homes. Establishes and maintains strong regional partnerships that support early learners. Supports and partners with families.




Hold a postgraduate professional teaching license with an endorsement in administration and supervision K-12


Demonstrated the leadership qualities and personal characteristics necessary for working effectively with students, teachers, administrators and parents.




Hold a teaching license endorsed in ECSE and / or PreK


CLASS Observer Certification



REPORTS TO:  Director of Pupil Personnel Services




Supervises and evaluates Virginia Preschool Initiative and ECSE programs and staff


Supervises and evaluates ECSE program including coordination between Part C providers of early intervention (PRIPP) to facilitate transition to Part B (school system)


Creates 6 year plan for early learning and school readiness with action steps for effective implementation

Makes referrals for children and families with more intensive needs to the most appropriate available health, early intervention, or mental health (or other support) provides;

Oversees successful transitions for children and families across all early learning programs

Consults with parents on successful behavior management programs and suggests community resources;

Puts in place effective implementation of CLASS tool, Curriculum, and Professional Development across all early learning programs


Plans and implements regular site visits, classroom observations to assess program needs and planning strategies for system/process improvement and/or development of early childhood education, disabilities, and mental health;

Assists in the gathering of data and preparation of required reports; maintains all necessary records such as documentation of referrals, responses to those referrals, training evaluations, and reports required by regulatory agencies and/or necessary for program evaluations;

Oversees annual VPI application process including screening process and procedures including coordinated enrollment through Smart2Start and Child Plus


Provides mental health consultation regarding children with social emotional challenges including the administering of screening and assessment tools as warranted;


Uses informal observations and other tools as needed to gain insight into all areas of strength and challenges for teachers and teacher assistants

Facilitates ongoing process of observation, reflection, and planning with the intention of improving professional practices, program quality and child outcomes

Models and/or co-teaches effective teaching strategies that teachers are expected to adopt in their classrooms to support and increase school readiness;

Provides workshops, trainings, and/or technical assistance in early childhood development topics related to Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) implementation, ELRS, Creative Curriculum, and PALS

Advises classroom teachers in applying behavior management principles toward classroom organization, physical environmental factors, and general student management, if needed;

Assists the classroom teachers in designing interment strategies to enhance children’s development including social-emotional development and mitigates behavioral disruption;

Reviews child assessment data including PALS, CLASS scores, and other assessments or evaluations data to identify areas of need for technical assistance

Establishes and maintains ongoing supportive relationships with the Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Elementary Principals, ECSE Coordinator, School Psychologists, School Social Workers, Guidance Counselors, Family Liaisons, and other FCPS staff

Maintains ongoing collaborative relationships with Head Start Director, Head Start Count Manager, and  Head Start Family Service Workers and other Head Start staff

Seeks out partnerships with private day care centers and family day homes in serving all learners as part of community approach to providing high quality preschool in partnership with Smart Beginnings with an emphasis on the underserved having access to high quality preschool.


TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT:  Twelve-month year.  Salary to be established by the School Board.



EVALUATION:  Performance of this job will be evaluated annually in accordance with school board

policy and administrative regulations on evaluation of administrative personnel.