18-03 Interfund Transfer


Transfer of Line Item Funds as Permitted in the 2017-2018 Budget

WHEREAS, the following transfers are permitted within the 2017-2018 budget year,

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Sodaville, City Council transfers the following:

  1. In the General Fund transfer the amount of $300.00 from line item #100-5602 Operating Expense to line item #100-1410 Vehicle.

  2. In the Street Fund transfer the amount $500.00 from line item #200-5606 Equipment to line item #200-1410 Vehicle.

  3. In the Water Enterprise Fund transfer the amount of $4,200.00 from line item CONTINGENCY and $0 from line item 0 to line item #500-1410 Vehicle.

The total amount of $5,000.00 transferred is to be used for TRACTOR.

Passed by the Council this 15 day of February, 2018.