9-02 CIS Membership


Resolution Regarding Continuing Membership In the City County Insurance Services Trust For purposes of receiving a Risk Management Grant


  1. The City of Sodaville is a Member of City County Insurance Services Trust (CIS), a trust established by the League of Oregon Cities (LOC) and Association of Oregon Counties (AOC) to create and administer pooled retention funds to protect members against the financial consequence of property, casualty, and workers compensation losses pursuant to coverage agreements;

    1. The City of Sodaville wishes to avail itself of CIS’ Risk Management Grant program, which will provide a specific amount of grant funding to eligible Members over a three year period to undertake and complete activities recommended by CIS in a Risk Management Plan to reduce the risk of losses;

    2. Participation in the CIS Risk Management Grant program requires that the Member's governing body make a three-year commitment to continued participation in CIS’ General Liability and Property programs;

Now, therefore, to secure grant funding through the CIS Risk Management Grant program, The City of Sodaville does hereby commit to continued participation in CIS’ General Liability and Property programs for the period beginning July 1, 2008 and continuing through June 30, 2011, subject to the requirements of the Risk Management Grant program promulgated by CIS.

Passed by the Council this 19 day of February, 2009.