8-03 Homelessness



WHEREAS, safe and decent shelter is one of the most basic of all human needs; and

WHEREAS, the lack of adequate and affordable housing is being felt by individuals of all ages and income levels in Linn County; and

WHEREAS, inadequate housing and homelessness make it more difficult for children to learn, adults to be productive, and people of all ages to stay healthy; and

WHEREAS, lack of affordable housing and homelessness represent an economic burden on the community, especially the public safety and public health systems; and

WHEREAS, many government agencies, non-profit groups and individuals in Linn County are valiantly working to address shelter issues; and

WHEREAS, the local resources to deal with the problem fall far short of the need, with housing and shelter programs of all types reporting long waiting lists; and

WHEREAS, there is a new focus on the problems of affordable housing and homelessness at both the state and federal levels, as well as recognition that new approaches, including the “housing first” model show great promise in ending homelessness; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Government has adopted a 10-year goal to end homelessness, and has asked local jurisdictions to join in this effort, and

WHEREAS, the Community Services Consortium has agreed to coordinate the development of a 10-year Plan to Address Homelessness for Linn County;

NOW, BE IT RESOLVED, that the city of Sodaville supports development of this plan and will strive to achieve its goals through working with other government partners at all levels, non-profit organizations, the private sector, the faith community and interested individuals.

This Resolution takes effect upon its adoption.

Passed by the Council this 15 day of January, 2009.