No 5 Street Vacation

(53-E) A Bill for an Ordinance to be designated as


Affirming a Resolution passed by the Council of the City of Sodaville at its regular session, September 7, 1945, vacating certain portions of Elm Street in said city; elevating said resolution to the stature of an ordinance; and assigning a certain number for purposes of record.

The City of Sodaville ordains as follows:

Section 1.

It appearing that the use as a public thoroughfare is undemanded, and upon petition of abutting property owners, it is hereby resolved by the Council of the City of Sodaville that the following described parcel of ground be and the same is hereby vacated and that the exclusive use thereof inure to the property owners aforesaid: That portion of Elm Street fronting Block 1, original plat of the Town of Sodaville, and Block 22, Sommers Addition to the Town of Sodaville, and extending from the west line of Alder Street to the east line of Washington street; said vacated parcel lying and being in the limits of the Town of Sodaville, Oregon.

Section 2.

The preceding resolution hereby is elevated to the stature of an ordinance and for purposes of record hereby is designated as Ordinance No. 5.

Section 3.

An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the mayor.

Passed by the Council this 2 day of February, 1953.