April 2022

Mayor's Message

Following my appointment as Mayor, the City Council appointed Mr. Brian Lewis, a former City Councilor, to fill the vacancy in my old position at the March Council Meeting. Mr. Lewis’ term will end on January 19, 2023.

The Mayoralty and two Council seats will be on the ballot during the November Midterm Elections. City Hall will provide resources to candidates interested in running for office.

Council Policy Research Priorities:

City Recorder's Message

One Month In

Happy spring! I have been here for a month and I am enjoying getting to know my neighbors. The City Council provided me with a list of outstanding tasks to complete, and updates will be provided at the April 21st City Council meeting.

During the April Council meeting, I will provide an overview of the Budget-writing process for the July 2022-June 2023 fiscal year. As the Budget Officer for Sodaville, I will request feedback from Councilors, the Public Works Director, and members of the public for feedback on the City’s priorities. The Budget Officer Proposal will be posted online at the beginning of May, and the Budget Committee will meet in May. By statute, the Budget Committee is composed of all five Councilors and five members of the public appointed for staggered 3-year terms. There are currently three vacancies on the Budget Committee. Please contact City Hall if you are interested in serving.

The bulk of my efforts at this time are dedicated to tying up loose ends resulting from the  staff transition that occurred last fall. However, tidying up your municipal government is a continuing project. As a local government administrator, I expect and welcome feedback from citizens about the functionality of city government. If you feel that a Council policy is causing more problems than solutions, I am happy to have a friendly chat to see how your City can better serve you. 

Alex McHaddad, City Recorder (Personal Cell 541-805-2630)

Office Hours

Sodaville City Hall is open 8AM-2PM Monday-Friday and by appointment. You can set up an in-person appointment by contacting City Recorder Alex McHaddad at (541) 258-888 2 or sodaville@cityofsodaville.org. 


Thank you everyone for keeping Sodaville clean and a beautiful place to live for all of us!! 

Public Works Update

As spring is here you are asked to check your water meter boxes and ensure they are in compliance. If you are unsure where your water meter box is please contact city hall to schedule a time for Public Works to meet with and show you! Ordinance 15-03 Sec.5.15 Water Boxes. It is the responsibility of the customer to keep the water box (meter box) servicing his or her account accessible and free of debris inside and out. A 3 foot diameter clearance from the box is required. If a box is found to be neglected and needs attention, the City of Sodaville and/or the Nuisance Officer, will contact the customer regarding the issue. This may be, but is not limited to, a note on the water billing describing the problems. If within 30 days, the  issue is not resolved, and the customer has not contacted the Water Utility or the Nuisance Officer to make arrangements to have the problems corrected the City of Sodaville and/or the Nuisance Officer has the authority to correct such problems and pass the actual costs onto the customer.

2021 Consumer Confidence Report