1-02 Interfund Transfers


WHEREAS, The following transfers are permitted within the 2000-2001 budget year,

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Sodaville, City Council transfers the following:

  1. From the Water Utility O & M Fund for the amount of $ 10,000.00 to the Water Utility Low Zone (Village) Special Area Improvement SDC Fund.

  2. From the Water Utility O & M Fund for the amount of $ 4,500.00 to the Water Reserve 2002 Fund.

  3. From the Water Utility High Zone (Westview) Special Area Improvement Fund for the amount of $ 2,500.00 to the Community Development Fund.

  4. From the Water Utility Low Zone (Village) Special Area Improvement SDC Fund for the amount of $ 10,000.00 to the Community Development Fund.

Passed by the Council this 26 day of June, 2001.