
No.5 farm road crossing on the Kanamachi branch line

新金貨物線(しんかねかもつせん)という総武本線の貨物支線があります。開通は大正15年(1926) 7月1日、東京から千葉への物流を担う重要な貨物線でしたが、トラック輸送の発達や他の輸送ルートの整備により、いまは1日数往復の貨物列車が走るだけになっています。この貨物支線には、国道6号線の大きな踏切から人や自転車しか通れない小さなものまでいくつかの踏切があります。5番耕道踏切は自動車は通行出来ない狭い踏切で、その名前から、元々は耕作用の道であった場所に設けられた踏切ではないかと思われます。

In Katsushika city, there is a Shinkane Freight Line whichi is cargo branch line of Sobu Main Line. Opening on July 1st, Taisho 15 (1926), it was an important freight line for logistics from Tokyo to Chiba. However, due to the development of truck transportation and the development of other transportation routes, freight trains now only run a few in a day. This freight branch line has several crossings, from large crossings on Route 6 to small crossings that only people and bicycles can pass through. Guessing from the name "farm road crossing", it seems the crossing was originally set up at the place where it was a road for cultivation.


Takasago 2-6-1, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

撮影日 | Date of photo
