
Mizumoto Kawasemi Village


"Mizumoto Kawasemi no Sato (Mizumoto Kawasemi Village)" is the Mizumoto Koaidame Water Purification Center established in Heisei 7th (1995), which aims to purify the water quality of Mizumoto Koaidame (pond), restore the waterside naturel environment, and bring back the creatures that once lived there. In "Mizube no Fureai Room (Interaction room at waterside)" established in the same place, there are exhibitions and lectures on how to clean the water and the natural environment and history of the waterside. You can observe fish, turtles, plants and Kawasemi (kingfisher), and can get guidance from a professional nature expounder.


Mizumotokouen 8-3, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

撮影日 | Date of photo
