
The grave of Asaka Gonsai


Asaka Gonsai (1791-1861) is a Confucian in the late Edo period. His real name is Shigenobu or Shin and his pseudonym is Gonsai or Kenzanro. Born into a family of Shinto priest in Koriyama, Aska District, Mutsu Province, Gonsai came up to Edo studying under Sato Issai and then Hayashi Jussai, and founded a private school in Kanda Surugadai in Bunka 11 (1814). He was appointed to an official Confusion teacher of Niwa clan of Nihonmatsu Domain in Tenpo 7 (1836), and was selected for a teacher of Shoheiko (shogunate school in Kanda Yushia, Edo) in 1843, taking responsibility for education together with Sato Issai. Gonsai was buried at Myogenji Temle in Honjo Banbacho at first, but move here after the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. (Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education)

東京都葛飾区堀切3丁目25-16 妙源寺

Myogen-ji, Horikiri 3-25-16, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

撮影日 | Date of photo
