人生劇場 青春立志の碑

Life Theater, Monument of deciding youth's aim in life



 死生 命ありだ。くよくよすることは一つもない。お前も父の血をうけついでいるのだから、心は弱く、涙にもろいかも知れぬが、人生に対する抵抗力だけは持っているだろう。あとは、千変万化だ。運命の神様は、ときどき妙な、いたずらをする。しかし、そこで、くじけるな。くじけたら最後だ。堂々とゆけ。よしんば、中道にして倒れたところで、いいではないか。永生は人間にゆるされてはいない。父は地獄へゆくか極楽へゆくか知らぬが、見ろよ、高い山から谷底見れば瓜やなすびの花ざかりだ。父は爛々たる眼を輝かして、大地の底から、お前の前途を見まもっていてやるぞ。


Shiro Ozaki was a novelist who was active from the Taisho era to the Showa era, and the newspaper serialized novel "Life Theater" became a hit and became famous.

Words of will

There is life and death. There is nothing to mess with. You too have your father's blood, so your heart is weak and you may be fragile, but you will only have resistance to life. The rest is a huge change. The god of fate sometimes does strange mischief. But don't be discouraged there. It's the last time you're disappointed. Go proudly. Well, it's okay if you fall down on the middle road. Eisei is not forgiven by humans. My father doesn't know if he's going to hell or paradise, but look, if you look at the bottom of the valley from a high mountain, you'll see melons and eggplants. My father will shine his brilliant eyes and look ahead to you from the bottom of the earth.

Shiro Ozaki

東京都葛飾区柴又7丁目10-3 帝釈天題経寺

Shibamata Taishakuten, Shibamata 7-10-3, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

撮影日 | Date of photo
