
Mizumoto Suigo 21 sacred place


Showa 9th (1934) was the year of the 1100th anniversary of Kobo-daishi's (Kukai) death. there were various commemorative projects nationwide in this year. In Mizumoto, the "Mizumoto Suigo 21 Sacred Place" was established which starts from Renzo-in at Higashi-mizumoto. If you go around 21 places, the total journey will be 11.13km.

霊場 第一番

The 1st sacred place

霊場 第

The 2nd sacred place

霊場 第三番

The 3rd sacred place

霊場 第

The 4th sacred place

霊場 第

The 5th sacred place

霊場 第

The 6th sacred place

霊場 第七番

The 7th the sacred place

霊場 第八番

The 8th sacred place

霊場 第九番

The 9th sacred place

霊場 第

The 10th sacred place

霊場 第十一

The 11th sacred place

霊場 第十二

The 12th sacred place

霊場 第十三

The 13th sacred place

霊場 第十四

The 14th sacred place

霊場 第十五

The 15th sacred place

霊場 第十六番

The 16th sacred place

霊場 第十七番

The 17th sacred place

霊場 第十八

The 18th sacred place

霊場 第十九

The 19th sacred place

霊場 第二十

The 20th sacred place

霊場 第二十一

The 21st sacred place

霊場 番外 瓦大師

The the extra, Kawara Daishi