南葛八十八ヶ所霊場 第四十番札所

The 49th pilgrimage

御詠歌   :ぢうあくの わがみをすてず そのまゝに じやうどのてらへ まいりこそすれ

文献上所在地:東京都墨田区八広3丁目 正覺寺

現在の所在地:東京都墨田区八広3丁目5-2 正覚寺

Location     :Shougaku-ji, Yahiro 3-5-2, Sumida-ku, Tokyo


[Note] Based on the documents, the 49th is supposed to be located here. However, the design of the Daishi statue is different from the others, and there is a sign "Twenty-one places Daishi-do'', it is possible that the statue put here is not the statue of "Nankatsu 88 sacred place", but is the statue of  "Sumida River 21 sacred place''.

撮影日 | Date of photo
