南葛八十八ヶ所霊場 第五十二番札所

The 52nd pilgrimage

御詠歌   :たいさんへ のぼればあせの いでけれど のちのよをもへば なんのくもなし

文献上所在地:東京都葛飾区柴又3丁目 良觀寺

現在の所在地:東京都葛飾区新宿2丁目11-22 宝蓮寺

Location     :Horen-ji, Nijyuku 2-11-22, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo


[Note] In "Nankatsu Hachijyuhakkasho goeikashu", the 52nd pilgrimageit is Ryokan-ji in Shibamata 3, and there is also a sign at the temple. However the Daishi statue at Ryokan-ji is completely different in design from those at other sacred place, and  there is a Daishi statue on a pedestal with "the 52nd" at Horen-ji in Niijuku 2. Therefore the 52nd pilgrimageit is Horen-ji in this site. But it's not still confirm because the Kanji numeral for the second number in other Daishi statues is "二" and "貮" is only used for this pedestal, so possibility remains that the Daishi statue at Horen-ji is also different.

撮影日 | Date of photo
