
Honey locust tree at Kamihirai

【葛飾区登録天然記念物 | Katsushika City-registered natural monuments】

サイカチ(Gleditsia japonica)はマメ科の落葉喬樹で、30cmの長さになる豆果はサポニンを多く含み、油汚れを落とすため石鹸の代わりとなり、古くから洗剤や入浴に利用されて来ました。また生薬としても用いられてきました。このサイカチは葛飾区内最大のもので、落雷のため幹の内部は空洞です。幹の高さ3m、枝葉の高さ10m、幹周り3.44m、枝周り7m、樹齢300余年と推定されています。

Honey locust (Gleditsia japonica) is a deciduous tall tree of the leguminous family. The legumes, which are 30 cm long, contain a lot of saponins and have been used as a substitute for soap for detergents and bathing since ancient times becuase it remove oil stains. It has also been used as a crude drug. This honey locust is the largest in Katsushika, and the inside of the trunk is hollow due to lightning strikes. It is estimated that the height of the trunk is 3m, the height of the branches and leaves is 10m, the circumference of the trunk is 3.44m, the circumference of the branches is 7m, and the age of the tree is over 300 years.


Nishi-shionkoiwa 3-38-4, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

撮影日 | Date of photo
