石造鳥居 (細田神社)

Stone Torii gate (Hosoda Jinja)

【葛飾区登録有形民俗文化財 | Katsushika City-registered tangible folk cultural properties


On the night of October 2nd, Ansei 2 (1855), a big earthquake occurred in Edo (Ansei biig earthquake). Fukagawa, Honjo, Shimoya and Asakusa were the most severe damage caused by the earthquake, the burned area was 2.25 km2, and nearly 10,000 people died. According to the inscripts on the left and right of this torii, the torii has also been broken by the earthquake, and was rebuilt by shrine parishioners in Bunkyu 2 (1862). It is valuable material to know the magnitude of the Ansei biig earthquake.

東京都葛飾区細田3丁目17-6 細田神社

Hosoda Jinja, Hosoda 3-17-6 , Katsushika-ku, Tokyo

撮影日 | Date of photo
