The Use of TikTok for Political Campaigning in Canada: The Case of Jagmeet 


TikTok is a critical platform for political campaigns seeking to engage with new publics through digital advocacy. Jagmeet Singh, the leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party, has emerged as a TikTok celebrity since establishing his profile in 2019. At the time of writing, he is the only Canadian federal party leader using TikTok with his interactions greatly surpassing those on his other social media profiles. Strategically utilizing TikTok to promote his social justice-oriented political platform and to build momentum in preparation for a snap election, his digital campaign has received extensive attention from the Canadian press. Through qualitative content analysis of his videos and news media coverage of Singh’s activity on TikTok, this article questions how his TikTok profile thematically engages with social democratic politics within the context of the permanent campaign. Attention is directed toward how Singh employs TikTok’s features to establish his brand of left-wing populism and advocate against systematic social inequality to appeal to TikTok’s youthful demographic.


Singh 在 TikTok 上發布的總共 108 條帖子被存檔並編碼為定性內容分析的樣本。

三種加拿大英文報紙《多倫多星報》、《國家郵報》和《環球郵報》對 Singh 的 TikTok 的印刷新聞報導進行了定性內容分析。搜索詞“Jagmeet Singh”和“TikTok”用於收集 2019 年 8 月 16 日至 2021 年 10 月 17 日在 Factiva 上發布的新聞文章。選擇此採樣時間段以匹配 TikTok 數據收集的時間範圍。掃描重複項後,共有 58 篇文章被納入定性內容分析。 




本研究的核心研究問題:(a) 作為一名進步政治家,辛格如何利用 TikTok 聯繫和動員年輕選民;(b) 記者如何向加拿大公眾宣傳 Singh 的 TikTok? 


Braun 和 Clark 的六步概述(熟悉收集的數據;確定代碼;檢測主題;重新檢查主題;分類主題;進行分析)應用於主題編碼定性內容分析的結果。

對於 Singh 的 TikTok,信息類別包括視頻發布日期、點贊數、觀看次數和評論數、官方語言的使用、音頻聲音、主題標籤和視頻描述,以及視頻摘要。Next Singh 的視頻根據它們是針對“個人”還是“政治”主題進行編碼,然後分解為 18 個子主題。

這項研究的方法論方法引起了反思性的擔憂。在定性內容分析的編碼過程中,有時很難清楚地區分主題,特別是因為 Singh 的許多視頻在視覺上都很複雜。編碼是歸納得出的,代表了從白人學術著作的角度從權力和特權的角度對樣本的閱讀,特別是關於社會和政治機構中的身份和代表問題。 


編碼過程中出現的四個主題是點燃青年對 TikTok 的投票、在永久性競選活動中烙印左翼民粹主義、在 TikTok 上倡導種族認同和社會正義,以及將 TikTok 定性為競選“失敗”。 

Moir, A. (2023). The Use of TikTok for Political Campaigning in Canada: The Case of Jagmeet Singh. Social Media+ Society, 9(1), 20563051231157604.